2 years ago

My ACT Score

I got my ACT score back today and my composite score is 19. English - 21 Math - 15 Reading - 20 Science - 19. Are there any tips anyone could give me, who did better, so I can do better when I do it again?

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2 years ago

Hi @angele!

I haven't given the ACT, so I can't say anything specific about it. To get ACT-specific tips, try the sub r/ACT. You'll find plenty of other students who have taken the ACT and scored in the 32-36 range.

🎤2 years ago

Thank you!


2 years ago

I'd say focus on one section at a time when studying and try to use the most recent ACT past questions; in your case, Math. Also check for tips and tricks in the Princetown ACT review book; they were really helpful and helped me score very high in my ACT. If you plan on retaking the ACT, on the actual exam day, try not to spend too much time on one question and you probably already heard that alot but it really is hard to do when you've already begun a question and two minutes later, your still on it. After a minute, move on, especially in Math. pick the letter you think is the best, put a star next to it on your booklet, and come back to it if there's time. In science, since the graphs come with their own group of questions (i believe 7ish each), try to start with the graphs that have the most obvious trends like x increasing as y decreases or something along that line that you can quickly spot as you skim it. the more obvious the trend, the faster you can answer the questions and move on. skip over any section that's taking too long to process in your brain. bubble the letters you think are best-or stick to one letter-and move on. english is pretty much just answering as you read and try underling points in the passage you think might be of use in the questions so you can easily refer back to it. same goes for reading. In reading, try to quickly skim the questions for a brief 30 seconds ish for each passage section just to get the general idea of what your looking for. when i took my act, i only read the passage if the question asked what the passage as a whole talked abt or if i couldn't make sense of a question and couldn't get the whole context with skimming. i finished with like a few seconds to spare, and reading was in fact my highest grade. those are just a few tips. like @anonymous123 said, check out reddit and also check out other sites like myact.org (they have practice questions) and princetown review (they have a practice protracted act test tho i dont think the test is very recent but it can help you get into the flow of being timed). Hope this helps!

🎤2 years ago

Thank you for the thoughtful information!! It really helped! 💞


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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