2 years ago

GPA Worries

My gpa really isn't the best at the moment, and I don't know if I should be worried as a junior. What are some ways I could improve my gpa? I failed a dual credit class after an injury and that really brought it down.

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2 years ago

I would recommend retaking a class or classes over the summer to boost your GPA and regain the required credits. It will help out immensely. Colleges mainly look at your grades from Junior year. Retaking the classes will also show that you are resilient and committed to education. Hope this helps! :)

🎤2 years ago

i am unable to retake that class over the summer as i am taking my math 12 over the summer to get a head start as math is not my strong suit. but i am going to take an english class that is not dual credit next year to make up for the f, as well as taking three other dual credit classes. hopefully this helps me out a bit lol


2 years ago

I agree with the other comments, retaking classes would help a lot. However, if you are unable to complete something, you can always email your teachers and ask if there is something you can do to make up credits. You have a medical reason for not completing the class and you can always state that when communicating with colleges.

🎤2 years ago

yeah my professor that the class was through was not very open to extending deadlines as she literally told me all of my work was due the day after my surgery haha. it is good to know that college will take injuries into consideration, that was a big worry of mine. thank you!


2 years ago

I am kind of in the same boat as you are currently. I recently failed a dual credit class and then I also got a not so good grade on another dual credit class. The way I am going to fix it for my gpa is just retaking the classes over the summer. So if that's a option for you I would do that or retake it during the next school year if you have room in your schedule.

🎤2 years ago

i would retake that class but I am already taking two math classes over the summer to get one step ahead for next year :( but I am going to take another english class to make up for the one i failed, although it will not be dual credit. i also plan on taking three other dual credit classes next year that can hopefully boost my gpa. good luck with your situation as well!


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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