a year ago

APUSH Teacher Has Not Prepared Us For the Exam

I am genuinely concerned about the APUSH exam. I know the material, but the teacher has barely prepared my class for the exam. Most people (me included) have no clue how to work the LEQ and its been months since we have worked on SEQ's. We have done zero writing practice in class and the teacher just keeps saying that he's confident everyone could get at least a 3. I also procrastinate like crazy. He just assigns passages out of the textbook.

Many people in the class in the first place never asked to be in it, meaning that there are kids who are doing work for an exam they're not taking. It's frustrating for everyone.


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a year ago

I am a rising senior. I took APUSH in Junior Year and got a 5 on the AP Exam. I am pretty sure I know what I am talking about. IDK how your class works but here's my few grains of salt:

Go to College-Board and find old exams. Find the LEQs SAQs and DBQs. Practice, Practice, Practice!!! The writing style for APUSH is VERY different than from AP World History and AP European History. Trust me, I learnt that the hard way. I was too proud of myself, and got the slap in the face I absolutely deserved when I did terribly on my 1st APUSH DBQ. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!!! YOU WILL REGRET IT!!!

Also on College-Board are AP Daily Videos. Use them! I regret not using them to their full potential.

There are tons of great Youtube channels that will help you understand the content and make connections. I personally binge-watched Oversimplified, Crash Course, and other channels before the exam and before every major test we did.

Your teacher is supposed to make you be prepared, and the fact that he hasn't means that not only is he not a good teacher, but should not even be teaching the class.

But yeah good luck. At least I got lucky with my teacher.


a year ago

I had a similar problem with my AP Lang teacher (except worse- long story) but there's a lot of information on the tests out there online. My best recommendation would be to ask another teacher at your school who teaches APUSH or has taught it in the past for help and what you can do to prepare.


a year ago

Watch youtube like Heimler and google resources like Fiveable, Khan Academy. Best of luck.


a year ago

I'm in APUSH right now, and our teacher just showed us the rubrics for the LEQs and DBQs. If I were you, I would look up those rubrics so that you know what the graders are looking for in the essays. As long as you check all of those boxes in your essays you should do great. The SAQs are easy. All you have to do is give an answer and then justify it with a few sentences after. In all of the writing parts, time is not your friend. Moving quickly is very important. In summary, look at the rubrics, move quickly, and understand the course material. Good luck!


a year ago

You could try AP Daily videos or simply reading the textbook or youtube chapter reviews (even as a podcast, it kinda helps). As for LEQs and SAQs, look up examples! I know CollegeBoard releases examples of 4s and 5s for all of their exams, and you can kind of cherrypick was makes them work and apply it on your own exams.


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