a year ago

Testing and Extracurriculars


I was wondering whether it would be worth it to take a second ACT. I will be taking my first one soon, but haven't been super focused on it due to school and the upcoming APS. I have already taken two SATs with one being 1500. Should I do another ACT and focus on that or should I start focusing more of my attention on extracurriculars?

My other question is what are good internships I can look into for the summer? I already found some research and programming institutes on my school website, but I want to see if there are internships or summer programs from colleges I can look into. I am interested in psychology and neuroscience. I live in NY and prefer to do an internship in the state.

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a year ago

If you are unhappy with your ACT score, go ahead and try again, but consider your circumstances. Don't beat yourself up for not studying when you have been doing coursework for school. Remember to try your best and use the knowledge you have already. Good luck on your ACT and AP exams!

Extracurriculars may depend on which college(s) you are looking into and which major(s) you wish to pursue. For example, I would like to go to a liberal arts college for a BA in Stage Management, so I would focus my time on theatre programs. Hope this helps!

Internships for any medical field are difficult to find, but you can apply for the Duke TIP program, which allows you to do a week of studies in all sorts of fields. When I did mine, my options were marine biology, biology, architecture, and more. It also allows you to get a feel for the campus and programs of a college you might be interested in.


a year ago

Yeah like the other person said I’d wait to see your score on this first act before worrying about taking it a 2nd time. I took it 4 times! As for internships, I would look at the colleges in your area. You may be surprised. I live in a medium sized town (about 200,000 people) but there is a med school and medical/bio research focused grad school here that’s a branch of the state flagship. They have a program where high schoolers can help in the graduate student labs over the summer and/or for 2 class periods each day during the school year. There may be something like that. If there are colleges near you, you can also try looking up professors that research stuff that interests you and emailing them to ask if they would let you intern. I tried this and they all said no because I was under 18, but that was partially because of the nature of those labs.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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