a year ago

Does my SAT Score count more than my GPA.

Hey, I have a low SAT score of 910 even though I have studied and tried my hardest, yet my GPA will be a 4.0 once I graduate next year, and I will graduate with honors. Is it bad that my SAT is so low? I have used Khan Academy to practice too. Yet my pathways at school and school activities are superior. I am in Student Council, DECA, and FBLA, and I will be in the National Honors Society and BETA for my 12th grade year since they have been asking me to join since 9th or 10th grade. I want to apply to colleges with scholarships, but I don't know if that's even possible with my SAT. I know that some schools do not require the SAT, or they make it optional. I am in Georgia, but the school that I really want to go to is the John Jay College of Criminal Justice... but I am afraid that they would not accept me because my SAT score is so low and they are test optional, but 88% of applicants applied with their SAT score even though the school is test optional. I want to apply and get a scholarship from there too.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

If you are worried about your SAT, you could retake it if you feel that you would get a higher score. Since the SAT scores are optional, they cannot reject you based on SAT scores alone. You could also take the ACT to see if that test fits you better, as it tests science as well as math and language arts.

a year ago

Most schools are now not requiring SAT scores, though if a school you applying for does require it, I think you're okay. From most of the college visits I had went to all admins said likely the same thing. "We're not looking at your scores or grades" Colleges are looking for how you've changed throughout the year and how you can manage activities and school at the same time.

a year ago

Hi @Helix!

It makes more sense to not submit your SAT. A score of 910 is not good enough to get you a scholarship, so submitting the score won't benefit you in any way.

Hope this helps!

What are your chances of acceptance?
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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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