a year ago

Do grades matter?

Hi, I am a current junior, and I will be going into senior year with 4 A-'s and 1 B overall. Two of those A-'s are from AP Lang and Art History, while the B is from AP Physics. I have an incredible amount of leadership and extracurriculars as well as a 1470 SAT score so will the colleges I am applying to look at my grades and wince? I plan on applying to schools like UCLA, Georgetown, and BC. Thanks!


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

It sounds like you have a solid academic record with a mix of A's and B's in challenging courses, as well as impressive extracurricular activities and leadership experience. These are all important factors that colleges consider when making admissions decisions. It's also great that you have a strong SAT score, as standardized test scores can be another important factor in admissions. Remember that the college admissions process is holistic, which means that colleges consider a variety of factors when making admissions decisions. While grades are important, they are not the only factor, and colleges are interested in getting to know you as a person, beyond just your academic record! When you apply to colleges, it's important to highlight your strengths and accomplishments in your application. This could include discussing your leadership roles, extracurricular activities, and any challenges you have overcome.

a year ago

Grades matter to an extent. Your grades are impressive and your SAT score are in a high range for these colleges but they're just one part of application. Could you explain how incredible your leadership and extracurriculars are ? Also, as long as you have a strong essay, I think you're a good candidate.

a year ago

Grades are a good factor in admissions but it also matters that you're a well rounded student. Your chances are high depending on your academic trend throughout the years of highschool. As long as you keep a solid trend or upward trend with both your GPA and grades you'll be fine. You seem to be a well rounded student by your description so I wouldn't be too worried! Best of luck to you.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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