a year ago

Ivy Advice

Looking of some advice, im a sophomore trying to get into an Ivy. I skipped 8th grade something that had never been done in my county/districts history and skipped right into freshman year. Had a bumpy start with a teacher who showed signs of dislike when she saw my ethnic background and in turn received a C in her class. so had all A's in one AP and all honors and then two B's in honors classes. now this year I have all A's one B and taking all honors and AP. Im a student pilot, received a scholarship, academic presidential award, interviewed a hospital system CEO for my district during the height of covid that was recognized in my county and posted, received the very first administrative internship at a hospital system in infection control and patient experience, apart of Student council, volunteer, did an internship at a doctors office, working with a globally recognized company for HRO (patient safety), developing a education game for medical personal with experts, set to present at a national conference with thousands of attendees, Started a business with over $10,000 in sales last year. But im worried that these things aren't enough to get me into an ivy. What should I do?

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a year ago

I agree and disagree with everyone's comments. All these accomplishments are super impressive, but it's what you do with them that matters to Ivys. If you just list all of those on your application, it looks like you're just trying to show off. But if you list each one by explaining how the experience made you a better person/ more certain in your future career, etc., this combined with your great grades can definitely be a ticket into an Ivy. I am a premed and I think everything you've done is supercool! Best of luck!


a year ago

I think that it's great, having all of these is good! Being good at something instead of being well rounded is something that Ivy leagues look for. If possible, try to do something related to your career! IF your major is healthcare related (looks like it is), you already done a lot! Just keep up the good work.

a year ago

You can have your own opinion but being well rounded in my opinion would be a better fit.

a year ago

Oh I know, sorry.


a year ago

Unfortunately this is not enough to get into an Ivy. Ivy League schools want well rounded students. They are not interested in students that received a bunch of achievements and rewards simply to increase admission chances. They want students that are passionate and caring to both themselves and their peers. For example, if I was going to college to be a therapist, I would talk about how I love doing things that make me happy as a person such as working at a Golf Course and Volunteering for the community by running concession stands. I would then explain how therapy would be a fulfilling field that would make me happy just like the activities I listed above. The key is being well rounded with community service and passion about what you want to do when you’re older. They don’t want people that only care about academics and achievements. Good luck and I am proud of your accomplishments!

a year ago

I disagree, being good at something instead of being well-rounded, will be better.


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