a year ago

Junior Year summer ECs

Hey, I'm looking for some help in deciding what to do with my summer this year and I think i should focus on extracurriculars since my academics are strong but ECs are weaker than they should be. I have a 3.97 unweighted and 4.9 weighted gpa and will have taken around 12 AP classes by the end of senior year. I also have a 1480 SAT score but I don't think I have enough things outside of school. I'm a tutor for younger children and have participated in a campaign that raised funds for cancer research. I also was a participant in BPA for the past 2 years but haven't won significant awards or made it past regionals. I have a leadership role in a club that provides a safe space for those with disabilities and have been involved in Student Council since 7th grade. I will have done Track for 3 out of 4 high school years on junior varsity. This summer I'm going for a day program for women interested in business at Indiana University but I haven't done much else. I want to major in finance and I'm not sure what else I can do that strengthens my application. I've been looking for internships in my area and have asked people in business but I haven't found much. Can I get some recommendations? My goal is to go to a moderately selective university, like UIUC or Purdue or Indiana.

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a year ago

Hi there!

It seems like you're a very well rounded student – and that can be great! Selective colleges will be looking for you to show some form of dedication to what you're interested in pursuing in the future. So whatever you do this Summer, try to focus it on something related to business. Internships are a good option, so you should definitely keep looking. Passion projects are another option – these would be self developed projects to demonstrate initiative; an example for business might be starting an online shop. However, just as good of an option in finance could be getting a traditional 9-5 job at a local business that's hiring, especially if you would be able to explore some aspects of accounting through the job.

For senior year, I would continue to gain depth and leadership in all the ECs you have, but maybe look to add on some more business related activities as well. Have you thought about starting an economics/finance club at school? Does your school offer Virtual Enterprise or FBLA?

Whatever you end up doing, don't lose hope! A lot of this crazy process is making the little parts of your story mean something. Go into application season thinking of the little things that have contributed to your interest in finance. Was it raising money for a favorite charity? Having a family member teach you about investing in the stock market? Succeeding at raising an insane amount of money in a family yard sale?

Good luck!

🎤a year ago

Thank you so much for replying! I have considered selling artwork since I paint on the side, but I haven't had the time to start so, I'll definitely find time to do so. I've wanted to start trading stocks for a while now, but you have to be over 18 to do that, so I might just have to use a parents account for that. We do have an investing club at school, but our school doesn't offer a club like FBLA. Some of my friends tried to get the club started but the school said we couldn't. Your advice was very helpful! Thank you again.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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