a year ago

Colleges with Flight Programs?

I'm a Junior who aims to become a commercial airline pilot, but it's hard to find information on aviation-focused programs. Can someone please share tips on what to do to prepare for this type of career as well as colleges with good flight programs to consider?

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a year ago

Embry-Riddle University in Florida is a good college for becoming a pilot and degrees related to that. I'm not sure what you can do as a high school student, of course if your community offers any opportunities related to aviation I'd go for it, but I wouldn't spend much if any money on it. There is no expectation for you to have any experience once you get to college. As a junior finishing out the school year, it's also a little late to add on any extracurriculars and probably to apply to most summer programs that aren't pay-to-play, where you pay a lot of money but get little value out of them. Maybe you can try starting your own club at school for anyone else interested in aviation, but if it's too niche and not enough people are interested, it might not work out.


a year ago

My daughter was looking at Jacksonville University (as a Music Ed major.) However, I know they have a large Aviation program.


a year ago

My brother is an aviation student at Eastern Michigan University at the moment, so I'll share as much as I know. Western Michigan also has a good aviation and good connections with Delta, depending on who you would like to fly with in the future (even if it's not commercial), try to find universities with connections to that company! Also, try to get your private pilot license if you don't already have it, it makes it easier to get hours. Try to find facebook groups or people near you who are also interested in aviation. Hope this helps :)


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