a year ago

Rising Junior looking for tips for ECs, academics, etc.

This upcoming summer, I'll be a Junior. I'm looking for tips and ideas for what I could be doing to help my future. I aspire to study abroad in another country (Iceland especially), become a foreign service officer, work in the legal/public policy field. I think running for public office one day would be amazing. Most likely, due to tight finances however, I'd begin in community college and transfer later on. I'm considering a few different majors, like Public policy analysis, International Studies. I'd appreciate general tips, EC ideas, things I can do/study over the summer or junior year.

My ECs are decent I think, but not focused or long-term. The only extracurriculars I've participated in so far was 2 essay contests(never won), Newspaper club (World News and Culture editor for 1 yr, though not much got done so I probably won't join next year, unless I have a chance to become an editor in chief), a free summer program with the city planning commission (which I'm likely attending this summer), and a 6 week graphic design internship with the public library system. I feel like they could be better, or at least more focused in my field of choice. I've done some volunteering as well.

I have a decent GPA (At least a 3.5) and course rigor (all honors, 1 ap class and exam already taken, and more honors and AP planned for this upcoming school year). I've never taken the PSAT, SAT, or ACT, so I don't have test scores.

I know I should technically focus on what I'd like to major in and build a "spike" like most people suggest but my interests are varied and I haven't found many opportunities in my state. I appreciate any and all tips.

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a year ago

Hi, I'm finishing up my junior year and so far your EC's sound really good especually since some are outside of school and really community based! I was a founding member of my school's Mock trial team, and from what the major and career you're thinking about it might be something to consider. Mock Trial is exactly what it sounds like, you get a case and you spend time with your team becoming those witnesses and becoming the lawyers for the witnesses etc. I'm not sure what state you are in and if there is a state competition for it but you only need 6-7 people to join if everyone is willing to double up on positions but ideally you will need 13 people! Goodluck!!!!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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