a year ago

Anxious for Junior Year

Hey all!

I'm hoping there are a couple of soon-to-be seniors looking through this page, but how did you all get through your junior year? Every person I've met has said junior year is the most difficult, and I certainly didn't make it easy for myself with my extracurriculars and classes. In what ways did you keep your stress under control? How did you keep everything in control? What advice do you have?

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a year ago

Hi, I 100% agree with the other comments, you need to take care of yourself and do not be afraid to reach out for help if you need it! I'm finishing up my junior year and I will say it was not easy and I made a lot of mistakes and so this is what I would have done differently.

A) setting up a calendar/schedule/planner so you can physically see meeting/test/important dates B) get lot's of sleep and always prioritize it C) find an outlet wether it's a sport, creating art or music or gaming it's always good to get rid of that stress and ALWAYS find time to let yourself relax there is nothing wrong with taking a day off D) the 4th quarter goes by really fast.

All in all, remember to take time for yourself and keep challenging yourself! Only you know what you can or can't do, so if you start over scheduling yourself read your stress levels because you know you best! Goodluck, you are gonna have a great junior year!!!

🎤a year ago

Thank you so much for your advice!


a year ago[edited]

Hi, my junior year was rough but I have some advice for you. Manage your time! Whether that be a hour with no phone or using your study hall (if given to you)! However, what I have learn this year is to not let what college or grade you define who you are! You’re more than your grades and what college you go to! I know the school system has made us so fixated on the goal of having straight A’s being top in your class and going to a good college but that isn’t all to life! You’ll forget in 5 years your grades from your junior year. This is only temporary! Have fun this year and ask questions, get help if needed, but remember if you put your best in everything not just your grades but sports, clubs, etc. You will strive!

🎤a year ago

Thank you!


a year ago

Hey, as someone who also didn't make it easy for themselves the main thing I have found to help is make sure you don't look at everything at once. When you know you have a busy week coming up don't think about all you have to do for the whole week, I always start my day by going what things are happening today to get myself prepared. I also try to make sure I have some time to just sit everyday. That has been one of the most helpful thing even if it's just 15 minutes it helps me calm down. I hope this helps and I hope you have an amazing junior year!

🎤a year ago

Great, thanks so much! Your advice will definitely be super helpful!


a year ago

same girl, we got this!! what classes are you taking?

🎤a year ago

Physics, US History, Math 1050/60, LangComp, Engineering, Spanish, and ASL! What about you?

a year ago[edited]

apush, ap lang, ap euro, precalc, spanish 4, physics, & yearbook (last 4 are honors)!

any extracurriculars?

ps is your first name keira?


a year ago

Hi! I totally understand you're worried. I am just finishing junior year now and while it hasn't been easy at all, it was a great experience. I took a lot of honors classes and have a part time job in addition to family responsibilities. The way I handled everything was really learning prioritizing. You need to make sure you are doing what's important to you. If you are going to spend the night studying for a test and not sleep, that's wrong priorities. Your grades are important, but you are more important than them. Make sure you get enough sleep, exercise, hang out with friends. Try mindfulness apps (I like Breethe, Calm, Headspace).

I also want to second what someone said below about mental health- I struggled with anxiety and depression in sophomore year and I really suffered until I got help. Reach out to a school counselor or psychologist. It doesn't make you weak or a bad person AT ALL- it shows maturity that you are taking care of yourself. And whatever happens, remember you are doing your best!

Hope this helps and best of luck!

🎤a year ago

Thank you! I'll definitely add those apps to my phone.


a year ago

Hi! My most important piece of advice is to manage your time. You can absolutely make it through junior year without absolutely dying but it won’t be easy. Depending on your outside time commitments and your courses, junior year can be daunting. If you manage your time, keep track of assignments, put in effort/work hard, and be kind to yourself when you mess up, you’ll be ok. I do however, recommend therapy and medication if you end up having serious mental health issues. <3

🎤a year ago

Thank you, this is really appreciated <3


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