a year ago

College/ Consturction

Hey guys, I am a little stuck. I am currently a junior in high school. I want to go to college but I want to also become a construction worker. Do you guys think I should do online college or like a trade school. Or should I just go straight into a construction working job. I need help!! If anyone can give me any advice that would be great! Thank you so much!!

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a year ago

Hello, and welcome to Collegevine! I personally suggest you go to a trade school, or a community college that offers construction classes/certifications. I'm not familiar with any 4 year college programs for construction or construction management. Some construction companies are willing to pay for training and certifications for employees, but since you want to go to college, I recommend community college/trade school first, and going straight to a job/company as a plan b. I personally wouldn't recommend an online college, however. In my state, there is a public high school specifically for students who know they want to work in the trades, so they can graduate with their certifications, workshop experience, and sometimes internships/jobs already lined up for after graduation. Try to find out if your state offers something like this, and if you're able to transfer even though you're a junior. In addition some states/counties offer apprenticeship programs, which you could look into as well. Best of luck to you!

🎤a year ago

Hello, thank you for taking the time to respond to my message. I was thinking I should start off with a trade school. Do you have any good ones in mind? What construction companies are willing to pay for the training and certifications? Also you mean like transfer to your school as of my senior year to get a certificate for construction? Thanks for taking the time to read this!

a year ago

Hello again! Are you looking for in-state programs? I have this website you can use in the meantime, focusing on the apprenticeship path to becoming a construction worker. Do you have a specific construction sector in mind as well, like safety management, metal-work, home construction, etc? https://www.apprenticeship.gov/apprenticeship-job-finder



a year ago

I think the other commenter is correct. I don't think there are actually college courses for the construction trade. If you want to be the one physically doing it. Now if you're goal is to own an operates construction Or related company, Then a degree in business management would be helpful. If you are interested in doing something like surveying or civil engineering, then obviously, that would require a bachelor's degree, at the least.

🎤a year ago

Thank you! I will be looking into some of these options.


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