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2 years ago

Lack of AP/IB Classes

Hey, I need advice.

I'm becoming a junior in the upcoming school year, graduating class of 2025, and I have questions. My school is so small it doesn't have Honors or AP classes. I'm concerned this can strongly affect my chances of getting accepted to my desired colleges. My town consists of a strong AG background, (coal mines, ranches, welding, ect.) but I want to go into cinematography and film; programs my school doesn't support. I don't know what to do to increase my ways of getting noticed. Can anyone give me advice on if these few things matter?

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2 years ago

Hey, something you could probably do is if your school doesn't already have a film club is create one, being the founder for a film orientated club can definitely help you be noticed by colleges. You could also do a little research and try and find a opportunity to volunteer in organizations that deal with films even if there arnt many in your area you can probably find some that are virtual.

🎤2 years ago

Thank you genuinely. I'll see what I have in the area.

2 years ago

I agree with this. I have a similar issue in my small school as well, and starting a club definitely looks good to colleges, as well as helping others in your school who may have the same interests.

I also think that even if you don't have that many extracurriculars in your field of interest, there are still ways to stand out. Get good grades, good standardized test scores, and try to find virtual or other extracurricular options that interest you. If you show you're well rounded, that definitely helps. A school also won't fault you if you don't have any AP classes available- they would if you had them and you didn't take them, but you don't, so what were you supposed to do, exactly? It doesn't reflect badly on you. However, I would suggest looking into summer early college programs or taking community college classes for more of an academic background.

Hope this helps!


2 years ago

something to note is colleges look at how many ap/honors classes you take out of how many are offered!! so when they see that none are offered, absolutely no value will be taken from your application :)


2 years ago

I'm in the same position. The only thing our school offers is dual credit college courses which I'm trying to load up on. My school is very small and has a very strong AG department, but nothing that lines up with what I want or need to prepare for college. I would say to just make the best of what you have, start a cinematography club if possible or develop this passion outside of school and enter a contest to get your hobby noticed. Remember that colleges value leadership and service, so consider joining a club that offers volunteering opportunities or leadership experience. But if you make the best of what you have, it'll pay off for sure. Good luck!


2 years ago

I recommend self learn for AP exams, with online resources and practice books


2 years ago

Colleges look at you in the context of your school. If you’re making the best of the resources you have and even attempting to do more— you’re golden.


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