a year ago

Im lost

I am a rising junior with a 4.0 GPA and a 1530 SAT score. I'm into science and math and trying to go to an Ivy League college, however, my extracurriculars are lackluster. I only ran cross country for two years and started a small club. I'm thinking about going for an internship this summer, but other than that I'm kind of lost. Does anyone have any recommendations for extracurriculars?

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a year ago

First off, congrats on the academic achievement! Such a great score and GPA shouldn't go unnoticed. About the internship: go for it! Not only will you gain great job experience, but you can also use that time to gauge how much you enjoy working in that field and if it is something you'd want to pursue further.

Regarding extracurriculars: If cross country and your club don't take up too much of your time, consider joining another club that, if possible, offers volunteer opportunities if you need hours. If that opportunity isn't available don't worry; make sure you enjoy the club that you join and show your dedication by showing up to all meetings and getting involved! You can still put that club on your application for college, as long as you attend the meetings and show interest.

Good luck!!


a year ago

1. I’m a little bias because I love Speech & Debate, but I will ALWAYS advocate for people to join it. It may sound kind of nerdy but it’s truly the best club for people that are looking into being politicians, actors, writers, or just leaders in society. It’s a great way to advance speaking skills, and helps you keep up on current events. If you succeed (qualify for states or nationals), colleges will want your talent.

2. Join student council BEFORE SENIOR YEAR! Colleges like to see more than one year of student council. It usually isn’t as much work as most people think it is, and if you have some friends that can do it with you, it’s a lot of fun!

3. If your school requires that you do community service, try to focus on a certain area of it and grow the service group! Colleges love to see applicants who are passionate about volunteering. For example, if you volunteer at a food bank, see if you can become a leader and help to grow the organization’s advertising!

Hope this helps! I’m really just going off of my personal experience, so it may not be totally perfect for you, but I definitely recommend these.


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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