a year ago

How can I get more Community service opportunities?

I'm a junior with ok test scores a good GPA and some extra curriculars. I'm trying to find more community service opportunities, I have signed up for many but have either gotten no response or they decided to not take volunteers for the part I had volunteered at. I have been trying to find more ways to help my community but almost all of them local or virtual I don't meet the requirements. Does any one have any suggestions on better ways to find more places to volunteer and help my community?


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

This is just one example, but an online opportunity is Bestseeds.org! I’m not doing a promotion or any thing but I actually volunteer for them and you write letters to hospital patients and doctors, it’s a really simple process and there’s not many requirements to become a volunteer. I found them on TikTok, so that’s a good place to search for more.

a year ago

most schools have volunteer opportunity inducing clubs! i am a part of beta club and national honors society, which is reliant on volunteer hours. they send out opportunities monthly. if those aren't available, your local library usually loves volunteers!!! i hope this helped a bit :)

a year ago

1. A great thing that I did was emailing my principal. You’d be shocked at the number of teachers who need help packing/unpacking their classrooms or supplies for the upcoming year!

2. If your school has theatre opportunities, check to see if they need an extra stagehand, usher, concessions worker, etc.

3. Get a team together and contact your local pool or park manager, and see if they need a good cleanup!

4. If these don’t work for you, I’ve found that Tiktok has a lot of great websites for service opportunities!

That’s really all I’ve done and it’s gotten me more than enough service credit!! Hope this helps!!

a year ago

1. find local food pantries and sign up for their newsletter (if possible) because it keeps you updated on upcoming activities

2. Go on your local non-profits' websites - just look up "non-profit organizations nearby" and look under the volunteer sections

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