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2 years ago

How is this essay topic?

I didn’t really know whether to put this in the peer review or the juniors group, but it’s not a full essay so I’ll ask y’all. An idea I had for an essay was maybe to have it be about turning a quality that others may see as bad into something good, and something that’s I’ve grown from to become the more “positive” side of that trait. For example, having to kind of try everything because I never knew what I liked, while everyone else around me had their passions set when they were young. Then, finally finding it in my later years and being able to stay consistent and even gain leadership roles. I don’t even know if this makes sense, but if it does pls give feedback!

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2 years ago

The topic itself is great because it highlights your growth and finding yourself as a person. However, watch to make sure that parts of the "bad" side are still highlighted; coming across as perfect or having only positive traits may not sit well with the committee. They want to see how you dealt with a problem in the past, and how it may still affect you today. Do you still struggle with your lack of solid interests? How does that affect you now? This is definitely a worthy topic, but do not shy away from admitting you are human- they want to see that part of you most of all.

2 years ago

yes to everything you said, but BE SURE to really make the changes you took FROM this challenge, how it changed you. too many essays i see are about a problem and not the impact on them today that's positive!!!!!


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