a year ago

Chances of Admissions and What I should Dedicate Myself To

Hello, I plan to study Aerospace Engineering or Astrophysics in the future. I am currently a rising Junior at a Technical High School. Here's the big picture: I will obtain an AA (or an AS in Mathematics and Engineering, depending on what my counselor recommends, insight into this is appreciated) I have a 4.6W/4.0 UW GPA, standing at 2/154 in my class, and I have about 100 community service hours. PSA: I am a Hispanic Student.

Current Stats:

- 4.6W / 4.0 UW GPA at High School

- 4.0 GPA at Community College

- College Courses: New Student Experience, Intro to Humanities, College Algebra, English Composition 1, and Speech

- 100 Hours

- Club President of Hispanic Honor Society

- 4 APs (AP Bio 4 / AP World 5 / AP Span Lang 5 / AP Comp Principles 3) PSA: School only offers 6

- Won multiple Art contests at school

- Worked for about 300 hours at family business

- Bilingual (almost trilingual)

Realistic Stats by Application Deadlines:

- Found and become president of a Research Club

- Associate in Arts Degree OR Associate in Science Degree in Engineering and Mathematics

> Either one, Calculus I/II/III, Physics I/II, and Chemistry will be completed.

- Internship with Community College Professor

- Cybersecurity Tech Completed (CompTIA Network+ & CompTIA Security+)

- SAT: 1500+ ACT: 32+

There are more things I would like to accomplish, but it is safest to keep it realistic. I am interested in going to numerous top 20 schools, but I always feel like my ideas are vague or they are not enough for those. So, recommendations?

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a year ago

just use the chancing simulator.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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To keep this community safe and supportive:

  1. Be kind and respectful!
  2. Keep posts relevant to college admissions and high school.
  3. Don’t ask “chance-me” questions. Use CollegeVine’s chancing instead!

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