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2 years ago

Should I wait to take AP’s?

I’m an incoming Junior and I haven't taken any AP classes or Honors yet (I earned honors for two classes), should I wait for Senior year to take them? Or would it be too late for me?

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2 years ago

I think junior year is a great time to start taking APs more. I know they can seem intimidating, so maybe start with some easier AP classes, like AP environmental science or AP statistics, just to get an introduction to what APs are like. Based on your academic skill level, you have to decide if it makes sense for you to take 2 or 3 APs next year and then take more senior year, even with the risk of not doing well in them. Remember, your GPA at the end of junior year is usually what colleges see, and sometimes your first semester senior year GPA is added to that too. If you think you'll be able to handle taking multiple APs, I'd advise taking 2 or 3 AP classes, with a mix of easy and difficult ones, and then take easy APs in your senior year so you're not too overloaded with work from those and college applications.


2 years ago

its never too late, I'm taking an AP class now (my school requires we are AP us history, in 10th grade I took AP world (its required) ) so this will be my second AP class. one thing I do have to say if you decide to take an AP class actually read the content and if the book don't help YouTube is your friend. Especially if you take AP world history, heimler is really good


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