11 months ago

psychology or nah bruh

i want to study psychology in college and then become a psychiatrist afterwards (after med school and everything blah blah). what extracurriculars can i do for psychology if i live in the middle of nowhere and there arent any clubs on the subject at my school or anything😭 😭 😭 😭 😭

Also, since becoming a psychiatrist requires going to med school, is it really truly best if i major in something science related if i really want to do psychology? most people planning on med school go to college and take the pre-med or any science related degree path to help them preparebut i reallyyy dont want to do that like TT is it still possible to become a psychiatrist? even if makes med school more difficult going in with little knowledge? or should i just become a social worker or something idk

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@purplemarsh11 months ago

You can create a psych club, do a psychology research paper, take psychology online courses (free ones), dual enrollment, and more. I would recommend taking something else, since it's more better to do med school in a different field. They require you to take certain classes related to health. I would not really recommend a psychology or biology major since there's so much of them, and if you're not admitted you're not gonna make a lot of money.

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