8 months ago

Self-studying Tips?

Hello all,

I am currently a sophomore in high school and am planning to self study some AP classes

My high school doesn't really offer many AP classes are we are in a small school (around 75 kids in my grade).

I am planning to take AP micro, APES, AP Psych, and AP Pre-calc (Im doing college pre calc rn part of dual enrollment program). My school is offering AP physics I, so I'm also taking that.

Can you guys recommend me any methods for self studying the 4 APs? I want to get 4s-5s on each.


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8 months ago[edited]

Hi, here are a few suggestions I have:

1) Check out online resources to study from, here are some I found for those 4(or 5, because I think you listed 5) AP classes:

AP micro:












AP Psych:






AP Pre-calc:





AP Physics 1:







Collegeboard basically tells you everything you need to know for the test

quizlet has flashcards

Khan Academy helps you get a basic idea of everything

I also included YouTube channels and online textbooks

2) Study everything you learned, but pay attention to what you are required to study. ask your teacher what will be on the AP test, and go on college board to see the requirements

3) Take notes. Take them in class, take them from textbooks, take them from videos. TAKE NOTES!!! I don't know if this will help, but I take my notes on a google doc, so I don't waste all my paper. I can go on and on about how to properly maintain and take good notes on a doc, but that would take forever. I use the Google Doc template "Class Notes" by Luxe. Go to the template gallery and hit general, it's somewhere on there.

this template also seems to be cool. It's by Cornell, seems like a smart way to take notes:


4) Remember what you study

I sometimes do this, but rewrite your notes to help you remember it. A very good friend of mine (and he is probably the smartest person in my grade) writes his notes once in class, adds important things he thinks should be added, then rewrites it. He rewrites it until he remembers everything he wrote. This is how he gets 100s on like almost every test. The guy is a genius. Personally, I write my notes on a doc, add what I need to add, reread it, highlight important words, then I make myself a test on a Google form if I am really having trouble. I sometimes find questions online (or just take a test online) and add made-up questions from my notes. I also make quizlets. I always make quizlets and share them with my classmates to help them study. Making quizlets is proven to be helpful. For proof, my classmates find it extremely helpful.

5) Ask other classmates for help! Or maybe help other classmates. Teach a person, learn something yourself.

Ok, I think that's all I have in my head for now.

🎤8 months ago

thank you so much! I set about 2 hrs daily for the APs I am self taking (from around 6am to 8am) I am currently working on AP micro from Khan academy, and will probably start AP psych and APES soon.

Once again thank you! Wish me luck!


8 months ago

I am currently a homeschooled student taking dual-enrollment classes at my local college. I do not have experience with AP classes, but I can give you study tips on what has worked for me in my own independent studying.

Some study tips that have worked for me are as follows:

+ Set a certain amount of time to study in each subject. This amount could be two or three hours or even more, but always save time to study what you need to accomplish.

+ Make sure to use your resources. In every subject, a lot of learning is done outside the classroom through self-studying, and I would encourage you to utilize the tools that can be found online, including websites like Khan Academy, Wolfram Alpha, Brilliant, and even YouTube to assist your learning. This being said, still go to your professor or teacher to ask questions, because most of the time they are more than happy to help students that are motivated enough to ask questions.

+ Take breaks after studying for longer than an hour. If you spend too much time on one thing, it is harder to concentrate and maintain motivation, so set goals to get up and walk around, do something fun for 10-15 minutes, or drink water because it is important to stay hydrated ;)

+ Have a schedule. This could be in the form of a daily planner or a calendar. I personally have three calendars dedicated for separate things: one for personal use, one for school use, and one for my reading log. You could do the same, as this could help you to stay on top of all your daily and weekly tasks, and it makes schoolwork less daunting if you have a schedule. You could also use a daily planner to write a list of the things you would like to accomplish on that day, as this helps to solidify what needs to be done and motivate you to complete them.

+ Most importantly, have a balance. Schoolwork can get tough and boring, and it is important for students to have their own motivation. Yes, it is important to do well in school, but make sure that you do fun things every day and every week. These could be hobbies that you enjoy, activities with friends and family, or time spent away from school, but remember that once you start feeling burnt out, it is hard to build that motivation up again, so try to maintain a realistic balance between school and personal life.

I hope this helps you with your studying. Sometimes independent studying requires trial and error because everyone is different and certain things work for certain people, so do not feel discouraged if you are not getting results at first. Just try different study tips to see what works best for you, and keep doing your best. Sometimes complicated problems have simple solutions. Good luck!


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