9 months ago

What More Can I Do?

My dream college has a 50% acceptance rate and I thought I had a solid shot before chancing myself via collegevine, which gave me a score of 19%. I wasn't involved in anything prior to this year (my junior year) and never paid much attention to my grades, which is completely my fault. That being said, I currently have a 3.5-semester average, I'm a church and grief counseling volunteer, and my hobbies include reading and painting. I'm also in Model UN and a member of my school's political newspaper. What other extracurriculars should I do in order to strengthen my overall profile? It doesn't seem like much to me at all, but I'm unsure of what I should take on that will make me stand out in my college application. Any suggestions?

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@AmeliaM9 months ago

I would join something relating to community service if your school offers it. If you aren't too busy maybe join more clubs that would look good on your application.

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1 answer

9 months ago

If your school has a newspaper, you can take pictures for it, write for it, or help organize it visually. Key Club is super common, it helps you get volunteering hours and looks GREAT on a resume. If there’s a school play or musical, you could do something in house, which means you’d be in charge of the background music, microphones, lights, sound effects, etc. This might change depending on what your school’s play/musical is. Hope this helps!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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