9 months ago



I am a homeschooled junior and I thought it would be cool to start a discussion and find out how many homeschoolers there are here on Collegevine!

Homeschooling can affect the college process in different ways, so if any homeschooler has questions, don't be afraid to ask!

Happy highschooling!

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9 months ago

Hello! I've been homeschooled my whole life, with a few years of virtual school thrown in every now and again. All eight of my siblings are either being homeschooled or will be homeschooled when they are old enough. I've now taken over my scheduling and courses, and I am also in dual enrollment. I'm learning first-hand how many hoops you have to jump through when you are homeschooled to get into "the public world", such as applications.

I love this discussion and am happy to be a part of it!

🎤9 months ago

Hello @Iridescence-2025! Thank you for responding :) I have been homeschooled forever (as well as my 4 siblings), now in junior year. It's awesome that you have so many siblings! I want to have a big family and homeschool my kids as well. 2 of my older sisters have already graduated, one in college, the other in the process of applying. Same, I'm also very independent with my studies and beginning dual enrollment next semester! Do you have specific career hopes or dream schools?

9 months ago[edited]

I'm aspiring to be an artist, so I have been looking into art colleges, or colleges with a substantial amount of art degrees. I'm not entirely sure what kind of art to go into, whether it is graphic design, or photography, or illustration, so I need to go to a school that has a good variety of programs. I also love horses and would love to work with them over the course of my life, so the college not only has to have good art programs, but an equestrian studies program. My dream college has both! SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) checks all the boxes of what I want in a college. :)

What about you? What are your career goals and dream schools?

🎤9 months ago

I hope to start a business someday. I am into floral design and gardening, so I will be a florist with a flower farm (grow my own flowers for designing with) and then having a greenhouse/plant nursery business attached. I am already taking certificate level floral classes, but I plan on going to college for Ornamental Horticulture with a business minor. My dream school is Delaware Valley University. Their stats are way below mine, so I have a good chance of merit scholarships. I considered Penn State, but I am not as excited about their program and would not receive much or any financial aid. DelVal will not challenge me academically but that's ok- I'm going for their hands-on experience. The school has an awesome horticulture program AND is 20 minutes away so I can commute! BTW, they do have amazing equestrian programs but I am not sure they have much art :) I think it is so cool that you enjoy so many branches of art! My mom went to art school (she paints/watercolors). I enjoy freelance photography and design, but I am not very good at drawing ;) Great thing about homeschooling is that I can choose my art, so I am covering those credits with floral design, calligraphy, a little photography, and yarn arts. My family also has an unofficial card ministry- we basically make birthday cards and Christmas cards for tons of family and friends, so that is also art! I love the flexibility of homeschooling and that we can choose to do things we enjoy and still learn and grow! I was also considering teaching or Bible school but I heard somewhere that before choosing a career or a type of business to start, try it for 100 hours. If you get through and think it was 10 hours, then you are on the right track! If you barely get through, then it may not be The Thing. The main idea is that if you can picture yourself doing it your whole life. I could picture myself teaching, but my own kids- not a group of strangers! I love working with any kids but I decided I would be doing plenty of teaching through homeschooling. I COULD see myself doing floral and plants for life- I had already passed 100 hours and was enjoying it immensely. Love the freedom of homeschooling!

If you have any questions or thoughts involving the difference of the college process for homeschoolers, feel free to comment! One of my favorite things about this website is that peers can help each other out!

🎤9 months ago

Oops! Did not realize how long that was! I type like I talk :)


🎤9 months ago

Please comment and share about yourself a little bit! This is meant to be community building! You can also follow this post to see who else is homeschooled.

Thanks :)


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