9 months ago

Choosing a career

So im a junior(duh) and im really struggling to pick a career for my future. My dream college is flagler (its not some great place but its nice and i love the city there) and im just really struggling to figure out what i want to major in. Does anyone have some tips on how i can figure this out?

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9 months ago

Hi @alyssa.pickla! My advice is to take note of what you enjoy- hobbies, school subjects, etc. Don't downplay niche interests/hobbies. If you love it, it may be the path to take! EG, I enjoy working with flowers and gardening so I will major in ornamental horticulture and am currently taking certificate level floral classes right now. I hope to open a business someday. Pay attention to where and when you are happiest- why? what? One helpful thing I heard is that if you try it for 100 hours and love it, then keep going. If not, try something else. Can you picture yourself doing this for life? I had many people telling me that I'd make an awesome teacher, and I myself enjoy children. But after considering it, I decided that was NOT what I wanted to do for life...and besides, I plan on homeschoolingmy kiddos so I will get to enjoy teaching for a time regardless! I could picture myself working with flowers and growing plants as my life work- the very thought makes me smile and I am SO excited to go to college! Like @ria-air said, you can take online classes to see what interests you or you could job shadow. You can also research more specifics about different majors and what kind of jobs they lead to.

Hope this helps! I would be happy to answer any more questions you may have!


9 months ago

Make a list of things you might be interested in, search up their salaries to make sure they make enough money for you. You can combine majors if your having difficulty with choosing only one. Try taking online classes to see what interests u. Go to college fairs, u can also choose to be undecided major if u want (it wont affect your chances of getting accepted)


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