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a year ago

extracurriculars ? ~ and needed tips about self discipline

Hi my name is Rayne,

I have bad attendance (already missed 190 hours of school and it's only the first semester) and no extracurriculars. I went to one meeting of speech and debate and found it ultimately repetitive and boring, and I feel too slow to take other things that are available like mathematics and language and ap and ib classes. Considering I am a junior in highschool, it feels like it may be too late. I do plan on doing track and field in the spring but that feels like basically nothing. So if anyone sees this please recommend some things for me to try, my school has basically everything. I also struggle with self discipline like there's no tomorrow and I don't even know how to start fixing that bad habit, so if anyone has any tips about that too i'm here with open ears.

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a year ago


Community service always looks good on an application and participating in some clubs this year would help. You could also do some things Senior year if you don't think it is too late, maybe find an interest in a fall/winter sport. To help with self-discipline, write down some goals, learn to prioritize things, maybe know your weaknesses and try to prevent those, and be persistent.

Hope this helps!

🎤a year ago

Thank you this really helps, I appreciate it!


11 months ago

Band!!! and you dont have to play an instrument if you don't want. You could dance or do flags which is so much fun and to me is easier than learning music. You could do percussion and learn that which is super cool and fun. It teaches lots of lessons and discipline. It also looks good. I know it gets a bad rep by students but you should give it a shot!


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