8 months ago

Can I get into Yale?

I dont want to tediously enter all my extras into the CollegeVine and blah blah so please lmk what you think!

I have a 3.7 because Ive gotten a couple Bs in double credit classes, but majority As and no Cs. AP Calc is kicking my butt right now, so my GPA might drop even lower. As a junior Ive taken 8 APs total, and plan on taking 4-5 more my senior year. My goal SAT is 1550 or higher, however, I havent taken the test yet but have been prepping and scoring 1400-1500

My strongest points are my extras and circumstances as my income is below 60k and live with a single mom. I have more than 2,000 volunteer hours, president/founder of multiple non-profits, etc. Im very passionate about music and art. Im building relationships with my favorite teachers and counseler and hopefully can get outstanding letter of recs. Ive already done alot of research for Yale to prepare for applications this Fall/Winter and its my number one choice. I also have considered applying through Questbridge, however I feel like there are many outstanding applicants with perfect GPAs or 3.9s that outshine me. Am I Yale worthy :( Thank you

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2 answers

8 months ago

Working on bringing your GPA as high as possible is the only step you must focus on. Other than that, with a killer admissions essay and recommendation letters, I don't see anything stopping you from getting accepted! Good luck!!

8 months ago

I think your GPA is a bit low, but course rigor is great. Your EC's seem good if you can write a great essay I don't see why you can't get in, don't count yourself out

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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