9 months ago

I'm a Junior, and I don't do anything! Can you help me?

Hi! I'm a 16-year-old Junior. I struggle, a lot. School has always been tough, but if I motivate myself, I pass and earn decent (B's and C's) grades. My problem is; that I've passed my Freshman and Sophomore years, but with terrible grades. (C's, D's, and the occasional A)

I want to attend a great school that will give me the knowledge I want. One day I hope to be a politician. I want to be reliable and trusted. To do that, I need to be educated.

Also, I lack extracurriculars, I don't have time for them due to excessive studying and having a job I work 4-6 hours daily.

Is there something I can do to fix this? I create art, I sing and most importantly, I write.

If you could give me advice, I'd thank you.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
9 months ago

I know you're very busy studying but I think it would be valuable to look into some extracurriculars relative to your career outlook. I'm not saying to join every debate and government at your school but maybe start looking into lower commitment activities where you can still make an impact and learn about politics. Overall, start putting more of your energy into focusing on things relative to your career, and also consider looking into non-core classes that your school offers such as government and law classes to implement yourself into your future career further.

9 months ago

Since yoh like art and writing you should check out Sending Sunshine! It's a nonprofit that sends letters to senior citizens in homes to brighten their day :) each letter you make counts as 30 minutes of volunteer time. They are Canadian based but they accept cards from anywhere so you might have to buy some stamps to mail them.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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