5 months ago

How are you feeling?


I thought I would take this time to do this poll to see how we all are doing!

If you have any advice for others/or need advice make sure to comment below!

I'm doing great!!
Poll closed42 votes
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5 months ago

I would mark myself higher, but there is so much going on. I'm taking three dual enrollment classes that are taking up a lot of my time. And I'm also getting ready for the ACT that I'm taking in April. Finally, I'm trying to narrow down my college list, find scholarships, and apply to pre-college courses for the summer. (I'm also getting a part-time job/volunteering over the summer) But, I know that my senior year will be a lot less strenuous because I should only have to take one class that year to graduate. So that's why I voted 50/50.

🎤5 months ago

Remember to take care of your mental health during the last few months. Believe in yourself and don't let the ACT stress you out. You've got this!


5 months ago

In similar place, @Iridescence-2025 :) 2 dual enrollment classes rn, certificate-level floral classes, preparing for March DSAT, preparing application for a full-tuition scholarship + dozens of other essay scholarships, and the National Homeschool Academic Competition, yikes! Thankfully, once the DSAT is past, I will not be spending an hour studying for it each day and I will have finished my math class, so it will balance out... a little. I am also an avid gardener so this is the time of year where I start 100s of plants from seed down in my basement on greenhouse shelves! Talk about busy...

That being said, I am looking forward to senior year, as I will have finished all my hs graduation requirements as a homeschooler and can move on to fulltime dual enrollment because I won't have other classes, including the floral classes.

Like @AmeliaM said, you can do this! Make sure you sleep and balance it all with happy things :) Doing things you enjoy can raise your mental energy and help you be happier despite busyness. My floral classes/plant growing is my happy thing and taking an hour to plan out my seeds or watch a floral lesson is like a drink of cool water in the summer! Incorporating something you enjoy into your weekly schedule actually helps you focus in school and can be an incentive to finish homework!

@AmeliaM, how are you feeling about your junior year??

🎤5 months ago

I'm feeling good at the moment. Not too much is going on but once March comes I'm cramming for the SAT which I have to take in April. Then it is just a matter of keeping my grades up for finals. I'm still debating on summer classes as I have a busy summer schedule and am trying to find online classes that I can work on at my own pace rather than in-person classes. I can't believe I'm going to be a senior, when I started High School, senior year felt far away but the years have gone by fast.

5 months ago

Yes! Cannot believe I am almost done! I am SO excited for college!

5 months ago

BTW, you mentioned the April DSAT. Did you by chance see my post about the DSAT and my favorite study resources??

5 months ago

Hey @Jael_S238! I'm homeschooled too, but I've never heard about the National Homeschool Academic Competition. What is it and when is the competition ending?

🎤5 months ago

Yep! I've used a couple of resources!

5 months ago

The NAHC is a virtual testing competition where you basically study for and test your knowledge on the SAT/ACT and college preparation stuff (look it up, they have a website with more info!). This is my 2nd year and I was a finalist last year. The NAHC opens for registration every August and closes in October. Level 1 is in Nov., I just took Level 2 this morning. Hoping I will advance to the Championship round in April!

5 months ago

It is a great way to begin studying for the SAT/ACT! However, the free materials provided with the NAHC registration are not amazing (I found a lot of grammatical errors and typos in the SAT/ACT guidebooks so I went through them once and then just used other stuff to study).


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