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11 months ago

HELP!! Please will I get into Georgia tech or Emory as a freshman? ( Be honest but not mean please )

My counselor keeps saying I wont get in and dude it's really crushing me so so much and I need some advice truly here's my transcript . . .

I have a 3.70 GPA, strong test scores (SAT: 1600, ACT: 36), and actively participate in extracurricular activities such as Key Club, French National Honor Society, Math Club, Science Olympiad, and more. I have completed 8 AP courses, earning scores of 4-5 on all of them, and have also taken 2 college courses. My goal is to become a neurosurgeon, and I am eager to gather insights on how I can improve my chances of admission to Emory and/or Georgia tech.

Emory University:

- Chances of getting accepted: 22%

- Overall acceptance rate: 13%

Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech):

- Chances of getting accepted: 17%

- Overall acceptance rate: 16%

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11 months ago

I would ignore the counselor; you never know what will happen. You have great test scores and are involved in multiple extracurricular activities. The only think I could think to suggest would be to take more college classes and maybe raise the GPA. Emory's average GPA is a 3.76, while Georgia tech is a 3.86. Hope this helps, and I hope everything works out for you.

🎤11 months ago

Thank you that does it would taking online classes at GOC ( Georgia Online classes ) help?

11 months ago[edited]

I feel like it can be helpful, also could make your courses on the application stand out. But anywhere you decide to take your classes will work.

🎤11 months ago

Got it! The more classes with high grades I have I heard can increase my GPA


11 months ago

I think you can easily get into either! I would strongly suggest, however, writing an insane common app essay. Those essays can make or break your application. Other then that, you have a really strong shot! Great job on your test scores.


11 months ago

If you look at your test scores and the acceptance rates of the schools your interested in, you have a higher chance than the overall acceptance rate, and you got a 36 on the ACT, so truthfully i think that you can get in to either school, and you should ignore the counselor and send in the applications. I hope this helps

🎤11 months ago

Thank you! I have already reached out to them and other schools and hopefully will be hearing back as soon as possible thank you again

11 months ago

I hope everything goes great!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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