5 months ago

HELP!! Please will I get into Georgia tech or Emory as a freshman? ( Be honest but not mean please )

My counselor keeps saying I wont get in and dude it's really crushing me so so much and I need some advice truly here's my transcript . . .

I have a 3.70 GPA, strong test scores (SAT: 1600, ACT: 36), and actively participate in extracurricular activities such as Key Club, French National Honor Society, Math Club, Science Olympiad, and more. I have completed 8 AP courses, earning scores of 4-5 on all of them, and have also taken 2 college courses. My goal is to become a neurosurgeon, and I am eager to gather insights on how I can improve my chances of admission to Emory and/or Georgia tech.

Emory University:

- Chances of getting accepted: 22%

- Overall acceptance rate: 13%

Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech):

- Chances of getting accepted: 17%

- Overall acceptance rate: 16%

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5 months ago

I would ignore the counselor; you never know what will happen. You have great test scores and are involved in multiple extracurricular activities. The only think I could think to suggest would be to take more college classes and maybe raise the GPA. Emory's average GPA is a 3.76, while Georgia tech is a 3.86. Hope this helps, and I hope everything works out for you.

🎤5 months ago

Thank you that does it would taking online classes at GOC ( Georgia Online classes ) help?

5 months ago[edited]

I feel like it can be helpful, also could make your courses on the application stand out. But anywhere you decide to take your classes will work.

🎤5 months ago

Got it! The more classes with high grades I have I heard can increase my GPA


5 months ago

I think you can easily get into either! I would strongly suggest, however, writing an insane common app essay. Those essays can make or break your application. Other then that, you have a really strong shot! Great job on your test scores.


5 months ago

If you look at your test scores and the acceptance rates of the schools your interested in, you have a higher chance than the overall acceptance rate, and you got a 36 on the ACT, so truthfully i think that you can get in to either school, and you should ignore the counselor and send in the applications. I hope this helps

🎤5 months ago

Thank you! I have already reached out to them and other schools and hopefully will be hearing back as soon as possible thank you again

5 months ago

I hope everything goes great!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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