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10 months ago

Should I take AP Physics?

Currently, I'm planning out my senior year, and I've been pretty set so far. But recently, I've been looking again at the science classes, and realized that it may be interesting to take AP Physics.

The thing is, I already have my high school science credit, and the life and physical science generals completed for the college I'm planning to go to, so I don't need the credit. And for the double major I'm planning, I certainly don't need any science at all, so I wouldn't be doing it to get ahead. And I'm already planning to have taken 12 AP classes by senior year, so I don't really need AP Physics to make my transcript impressive. I'd be taking it simply as a cool elective.

I'm also planning to take AP BC Calc and CE English, which is reportedly pretty hard. So with two rather intensive classes, I'm not sure if I should take Physics, as it also sounds hard.

Do you think it would be worth it to take AP Physics pretty much for pure learning?

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
10 months ago[edited]

I'm in it and find that it's a great intro to college science. It depends pretty heavily on teacher though. Mine teaches like it's a college course and has office hours after school every day to go over questions, which is great for me. If you can handle the course load, I'd suggest asking other students who have had that teacher to figure out how they teach it. If you can, I'd also just take it dual enrolled and not bother with the AP credit. My teacher says the exam is written poorly and that it's harder to pass the exam than it should be relative to the material.

10 months ago

I think taking AP Physics would be fine esp if it's for pure learning. Taking AP classes just for the credit is the wrong way to go, so I think you'd like it. Also, Calc BC isn't that bad, and it has a really big curve with a pretty good pass rate, so you should be fine.

10 months ago

If it's within your academic abilities and you're genuinely interested in the material, go for it. I've heard it's a pretty difficult class though, but it will only make your transcript more impressive if you do well on it

10 months ago

AP Physics is SO hard, and it sounds like you don’t even need to take it so I wouldn’t.

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