4 months ago

Veterinary or Forensics?

I have very different options when it comes to my majors. I'm really only hung up on 2. Do I go down the vet path or forensics? They both interest me equally and I just can't decide. The schools I want to go to offer both so I'm not worried about that. I was thinking if I can't decide, that I should get a Bachelor's in Biology cause it applies to both and then specify later on.


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 months ago

A couple things to consider:

1) Which could you picture yourself doing the rest of your life? Like, not what interests you more but what could you do for 1000s of hours and still enjoy?

2) What gives you job flexibility? I have heard of people going for vet school and not being able to find a job b/c their major was so specific. Also, if you want to ability to choose between some jobs, then a more general major is better.

3) Look at the specific schools you're interested in. Do the graduates of these programs have high job placement? Are there helps for getting jobs?

I actually wrote a post about choosing majors: collegevine.com/questions/50362/choosing-the-perfect-major-please-comment I had the same problem. There were 2 careers I was interested in.

This is also random, but have you checked out Delaware Valley University? They have a lot of animal/bio related majors and great internship/job opportunities. I am personally going there for horticulture because they provide hands-on training and many, many internship options. It is not a top school in any way but the school has very high job placement and good job connections.

Hope this helps and lmk if you have any questions!

4 months ago

I've had similar problems deciding what I want to major in. Vet vs nursing. I just try thinking about what I really see myself doing (which can be hard to do) I also think about how long it will take to start up and make money. Like for example with vet, it can take a bit to start, especially if you want to have your own practice. At the end of the day go with what feels right, also you still have awhile to decide. And if you can't decide between either one go with biology. I hope this helps, also try not to worry too much about it, it'll all work out.

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