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9 months ago


When is the latest you should take the SAT your senior year? I'm not super happy with the score I got (as a junior right now) and want to retake it. I've heard that no later than October of the year you're applying is what's best, but I'm confused because my school had a school-day SAT for both juniors and seniors in March. Can someone let me know when the best/latest time is to retake the SAT is as a senior next year?

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9 months ago

I agree that October would be the latest I am comfortable with. Your scores take approximately 2 weeks to arrive, so factor that in. Testing in October would allow you to apply in November, so it should be safe. However, more competitive colleges might require you to apply earlier since it is everyone's dream to get there. It really depends, but I would say that 9 out of 10 situations, October should be fine (Collegeboard always administers the SAT on a weekend in October whether there is SAT school day or not). Some people do it as late as November/December, but I am pretty sure you are trying to be on the slightly competitive side with college applications. Normally, seniors don't take it in December/November unless they really skunked out and really, really have to.

I am in the same boat! I cannot do May or June because of schedule conflicts, and the August test is right after my birthday and I HATE the stress I feel right before the test. I might have to do August, though, because the school I am applying to accepts applications as early as August 1st. BUT it is not a competitive school, so I should be ok to do the October test. I will have 3-4 college classes going on, though, so....

Yeah, it is pretty stressful trying to figure out when to retake it! I would high recommend the August SAT if it is possible for you. Gives you a chance to rest your brain and then study up without too much schoolwork in the way.

Hope that makes sense. lmk if you have any questions!

🎤9 months ago

Thanks! I did see some seniors at the March SAT though, do you have any idea how they would submit their scores and why the school still offered it that late (for seniors)?

9 months ago

It is possible that some of those seniors were putting off their applications or they applied to a few colleges & tried to get higher score for other applications so they would get more financial aid. Also, many people are just curious about the DSAT. The schools don't have any issues with seniors taking it as far as I have heard. As long as you are still in high school, you should be able to take the test with no prob. Does that make sense? Trying to explain in limited words b/c this comment only allows so many characters.

9 months ago

Also, the seniors may have already applied to schools and were hoping a higher SAT score would help them get a bigger scholarship. If they come back and say, "Hey, I now have a 1450," when they originally applied test-optional or with a low score, maybe they're hoping the school will offer them more money.

🎤9 months ago[edited]

Thanks! I appreciate your help. I would take the August test but it's not possible for me as I have a ton going on this summer and it would be hard to put the time needed aside and really prepare for the test (my bday is also in August too!). Best of luck to you

9 months ago

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