3 months ago

How does a homeschooler start an independent research project?

So I’m a homeschooled sophomore, and I want to do an independent research project (historical) over the summer. I’m thinking about making this a primary EC but I’m not sure how to start since I don’t have a highschool program dedicated to research. Do I just customize it with my mom (who is technically my teacher)?

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3 months ago

Do you have an academic advisor? I have a homeschool evaluator/advisor we meet with at the end of each school year. It's a requirement in our state...idk what your situation is but the academic advisor is a GREAT person to ask questions like this and get some ideas how to make it more official. Also, there may be some online articles that are helpful. Just google "homeschool research projects"

I haven't labelled it as an official "research project" BUT I have done a ton of independent horticulture, agriculture, and floral design studies. I have earned academic credits based on how much time i have spent (done it all through hs) and it counts as a big portion of my ECs. I may have been able to make it a research project, but honestly, it has been dozens of research projects altogether, so it would have been difficult to label.

Hope this is helpful and actually makes sense :) lmk if you have any questions!

🎤3 months ago

So my homeschool evaluation thing is also required by the state, and I used to have an actual person doing it, but stuff changed over COVID now it’s all digital (I basically just have to pass a standardized test, and I can’t remember the name of it for the life of me lol)

I’d have to talk to my teacher (mom lol) about actually getting credit for it and how that would work.

But yeah, I think independent research would be a good EC for me (as long as it actually counts lol). It’s good to know that it’s worked out well for someone else! :)

3 months ago

Yes! One of the awesome things about homeschooling is that you can explore what you love while you are still in high school. That can really make a big difference in your application because you have the flexability to pursue your interests right now. I have spent 100s of hours on independent research and it has offered so much clarity for my career and life in general, which is unique. Many hs students have no clue what their life goals are. I highly recommend it!

🎤3 months ago



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