6 months ago

early decision?

hi guys,

my mom has been pushing me to apply early, (august) but i don't know if my transcript and extracurriculars are strong enough to get accepted into my top colleges. right now my top college is Wheaton, but i also am going to apply for Calvin, Baylor, Brown, and Rice Universities, which are very intense schools and Brown and Rice have very low acceptance rates. i have an unweighted 3.89 GPA right now, (without putting in this semesters classes) and a weighted GPA of almost 4 (maybe a little over). ive taken 4 honors classes this year because my school doesn't offer anything else and am going to take more next year too. last year i got an ACT score of 27 but am planning on taking it again this summer and early next year (don't know if next year will do anything). i have worked tons with voice coaching and spiritual and non-spiritual leadership, have done theatre for YEARS, as well as some varsity volleyball and am planning on joining student council next year. on top of all of this, i am a pretty strong writer but am struggling hardcore with my essays simply because these essays can determine my future. i want to go to law school after my undergrad, so i am planning on majoring in pre-law with a minor in communications or maybe languages. i am barely going to pass geometry this semester, but the rest of my grades are 100 or above, but i have many study halls so my geometry grade is bringing my temporary GPA down a lot. the problem is, i just don't know if my grades are good enough. can you tell me if im overthinking this and have a pretty good shot at early admission or if i should wait until second semester like everyone else? and if i should wait, what else can i do to look better and have higher chances? please help, my anxiety is freaking me out!

do early decision
wait like everyone else
do something to boost chances
go for it?
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6 months ago[edited]

I am currently a Senior in High School this year, and I cannot stress enough the importance of applying early and getting a head start. Colleges love to see students take initiative and being an early applicant greatly boosts your chances of standing out in the process. As long as you have a good GPA (you do), and your essay is creative and speaks about you and your extracurriculars and what you like to do, you should have a fair chance of being accepted. Be true to yourself and show who you are to colleges. (be honest) That is my advice, and what I wished I'd done much earlier than now. If you have a passion, I suggest highlighting that in your essay if you haven't made one already.

🎤6 months ago

thank you! i hope it all works out for you too

6 months ago

I appreciate it! If you are struggling with your essays, you could try talking with any of your English teachers to see if they can help. I'd also begin with fixing any basic grammar errors and punctuation. :)


6 months ago


It’s gonna be okay. You are obviously a phenomenal student with a plan. I like your chances :) (as you should as well)

🎤6 months ago

thank you, it's just really stressful and because i'm average in my school i feel like my chances are lower than they should be :)


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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