6 months ago

Looking for target/safety school suggestions! :) <3 Thank you!

Hey there! I'm struggling to discover safety and target schools (above 50-60% acceptance rate) that I connect with, and I'm hoping to gather a few suggestions! My reach/hard target schools include Vanderbilt (#1 choice), Wake Forest (#2 choice), Case Western Reserve, Emory, William & Mary, and Davidson College. Here are some things I'm looking for in a school:

Medium sized - ~2,000 -15,000 students; would like to be able to develop relationships with the professors and attend smaller classes of around 20-60 people, versus huge lectures of 400+ people!

Lower student to faculty ratio - Again, I'm looking to get to know my professors a little more and form connections with them.

Opportunities for majors in the medical field and the ability to explore various majors - I'm currently undecided, but want to pursue something in the medical field, so a school that offers biology or health-care related studies is perfect!

Located in the southeast - I'd prefer to explore schools in the southeast - I live in North Carolina, so really as far as any of the greater-surrounding states! I'm willing to go farther, though!

Offers club, varsity, or intramural swimming - I am a swimmer, and I'd love to be on a team! If this isn't possible, I'd be totally fine settling for a school with access to a pool and good gym!

Able to handle/accommodate dietary restrictions and ADHD/mental divergences - A place that offers resources for students with learning differences would be fabulous! The ability to connect with a counselor would be really nice, too! Thank you SO much!!

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6 months ago[edited]

- University of North Carolina Wilmington (69% acceptance rate, Wilmington, North Carolina)

Medium-sized public university with around 14,000 undergraduate students

Focuses on student engagement and personalized education

Offers majors in biology, pre-medical studies, and health-related fields

Provides access to a pool and recreational facilities

Offers support services for students with learning differences and dietary restrictions

- Appalachian State University (83% acceptance rate, Boone, North Carolina)

Medium-sized public university with approximately 20,000 undergraduate students

Emphasizes small class sizes and close interactions with faculty

Strong programs in biology, health sciences, and related fields

Offers club and intramural swimming options

Provides support services for students with learning differences and dietary restrictions

- East Carolina University (92% acceptance rate, Greenville, North Carolina)

Medium-sized public university with approximately 23,000 undergraduate students

Offers small class sizes and opportunities for close relationships with faculty

Strong programs in biology, health sciences, and pre-medical studies

Provides access to swimming facilities and intramural sports

Offers support services for students with learning differences and dietary restrictions

🎤6 months ago

Thank you so much! I really appreciate the proximity these are to me, too! I'll be looking into these more!

6 months ago

Of course! Happy to help


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