5 months ago

Which Major Should I Follow?

Hi! I’m a junior, graduating in 2025, and I’m wanting to become a lawyer in the future. I’ve been struggling with which major to follow into a 4 year college. Which would be better, Political Science or Criminal Justice? Or is there another major I should consider?

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4 answers

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5 months ago

I also want to go into law and as of right now I intend to major in Business. It's always good to have a plan B if you end up not liking Law so I see business as a good versatile degree. This might not be the same for you as you might be dead set on Law. I would personally go with whatever degree you think is more interesting and minor in something that could be a good back up plan.

In the next couple weeks I should be starting a job at a law firm as a filing clerk, I'll try to learn more from the lawyers there and update you, on what they say about the matter.

5 months ago

i have been struggling with the exact same question and problem, but basically it comes down to what kind of lawyer you would like to be. i want to become a human/animal rights lawyer, so i am leaning towards criminal justice, but if you want to be a big league lawyer i recommend political science. and if you ever plan on helping in campaigns or working for someone who is running in one, political science. i just want to help the little guy, but if you want the big fish go for political science. hope this helps!

5 months ago

I am not familiar with either programs, so I used Ivy assistant:

"Criminal justice and political science are two different fields of study, each with its own focus and career pathways.

Criminal justice primarily deals with the study of the criminal justice system, including law enforcement, the courts, and corrections. This major typically covers topics such as criminology, policing, criminal law, and the correctional system. A criminal justice major may be beneficial for someone interested in practicing criminal law or working within the legal system.

Political science, on the other hand, is the study of governments, political processes, and political behavior. It covers topics such as political theory, comparative politics, international relations, and public policy. A political science major can provide a broader foundation for understanding the legal system and its relationship to government and society, which may be useful for practicing law in general.

As for which major is better for a future lawyer, it depends on your specific interests and goals. Some law schools don't require a specific major for admission, so it's essential to choose a major in which you have a strong interest and can excel academically."

I recommend researching the two programs more to determine which is most interesting/helpful for the direction you want to head. Also, I always advise checking out different colleges' programs because each college does a program a little differently. You may not originally prefer, say Poltical Science, after researching it for a while, but when you check a certian college, you may really like their program specifically. So start researching colleges with both programs and be sure to study their individual program information thoroughly until you find the one that really fits you.

Hope this helps and lmk if you have any more questions.

5 months ago

Hi I'm also interested in going into law school eventually, I read that for students interested in going into law, some law schools like to see different interests and areas of study because it gives students different types of knowledge. It also helps if you know what type of law you want to go into, then you might want to consider a major related to the type of lawyer you want to be.

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