5 months ago

SAT Math

Basically I took the SAT during the spring. And while my english score was a 720, my math score was questionable (520) (the same thing happened on the ACT where I got 33 and 35 for Reading and English, and got fd up by the science and math section). Math, specifically functions, has to be one of my weakest points. I plan on retaking it in June and also during the school year, so I wanted to know if any of you guys have tips or resources that could help me prepare during that time.

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5 months ago

Another thing that I found that also helps when prepping is Bluebook which many schools already use. You can do full length practice test as if you were taking the actual SAT.


5 months ago

I highly recommend Strategic Test Prep's youtube videos and their Math workbook (about $25, unless they are offering it for free right now-sometimes they give it free when you sign up for email list). Their videos have time-saving tricks and the workbook has compiled tons of practice questions and many helpful strategies. I used it for under a month and went from 590 to 660. I also recommend Method Learning's youtube videos on how to use Desmos. This is an incredible resource and I found it SUPER helpful in getting comfortable with that calculator and using it to my advantage :)

🎤5 months ago

Thank you so much :)

5 months ago

I got the workbook for free, but how should I use it? Are there any specific videos that go along with it?

5 months ago

There are a few strategies that have videos linked in so you can see how to work them, but most of it is independent practice. Each concept section has things you should know and be able to fill in the blanks. I took Algebra in 8th and 9th grade. Of course, I didn't remember most of the stuff I should know :) so that's when you have to look up some simple videos like Khan academy or articles that give simple explanations or pull out your old math book. Then after you go through the concepts section, you will complete practice problems. It is really very simple, at your own pace. This book compiles TONS of practice questions for each math concept, so be sure to spend the most time on your weak areas. Then after you finish a section, the correct answers are listed. You can self correct and then work it out until you get the right answer. Hope this helps and lmk if you have any questions!

5 months ago

No problem:) @GlorieJ1109


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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