5 months ago

Senior Year!

so, we are obviously coming to the end of our junior year and i honestly am so excited to graduate (i got senioritis my sophomore year) but im also wondering what everyone else is doing for colleges their senior year. i mean, for those of us hoping for early decision, should we re-send in our applications for normal decision, should we still be extremely focused on our grades, (i mean, what are the chances of a college that has accepted you retracting their acceptance?) will taking any honors, AP, dual enrollment, etc. have any effect on college acceptances, (like, will they re-check my transcript to see if i failed any classes or something???) and so forth.

also, out of pure curiosity, how is everyone doing at this point in the year? like, are grades good, are you freaking out, are finals terrifying, have you already graduated, etc.

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5 months ago

Definitely freaking out over grades. I have a B right now that the teacher hasn't graded since March. So I'm hoping it goes to an A. Or else it will mess up my GPA. I have already started applications for colleges, I just haven't submitted any yet. I have also been submitting applications for scholarships since sophomore year.

🎤5 months ago

wow, it sounds like you're prepared and ready. i hope it all works out great for you!

5 months ago

I do too! Thank you!


5 months ago

I'm also a junior and senioritis has been hitting a little too early lol. I can feel my motivation depleting day by day but I'm just trying to finish strong since I still have finals week and an SAT to study for. For college as of right now, I'm just working on building a college list and noting school's deadlines so I know what to start working on over the summer.

🎤5 months ago

you're in a great place to be right now with applications. hope it all goes smoothly with as little stress as possible, and please let me know if i can help!

5 months ago

Good luck to you aswell!


5 months ago

I'm a Junior too and honestly I'm just enjoying this year as much as possible, our high-school is coming to an end verrrryy soon so I will make it worth-while. As for colleges, I haven't prepped much yet besides grade and SAT's and E.C's of course. During the summer college apps will be my main focus (transcript review, rec. letters in End of May or June, etc;), I would say don't only focus on ur grades and transcript but also enjoy your highschool. After all, you only live once

🎤5 months ago

dang, i'm kind of jealous that you're enjoying high school so much, (i've lowkey kinda hated it) but i'm happy for you! let me know if i can help at all with applications or anything.


5 months ago

kinda freaking out, I want to graduate already. For a senior year I'm doing full ib courses and this summer just maxxing out on 2 internships, one or two college classes, building my organization's profile, sat prep, and scholarships. what unis are u applying to?

🎤5 months ago

I’m applying to Wheaton, Calvin, Brown, Rice, UT(Tampa), and possibly Baylor. lmk if I can help with anything and good luck to you on building up your resume!

5 months ago

thats fire goodluck! we should connect do you have LinkedIn?

🎤5 months ago

no I do not, but you can find me on insta at the same handle


5 months ago

tbh, I'm a junior who's literally dying. I made the mistake of over-confidently choosing my schedule for this year and ended up drowning in a bunch of APs. I have had so. much. homework. however, finals are finally over - thank God - and I'm now all doneeeeee!! my grades have never been worse... they're not AWFUL, but I'm usually a straight A student and got several B's and a C. but the C was in an AP, which is an A in an academic course, so I'm basically still straight A (I'm delusional)! In terms of college, my teachers actually gave us a great assignment after finals where we had to build our college resume, start putting stuff in common app, and begin drafting our personal statement. It's honestly super nice to have some of that out of the way! I'm taking the ACT next month and praying for a 34 to make up for some of my grades... I'm freaking out a little bit, but mostly just extraordinarily burnt out and thankful that summer is here so I can rot in bed. :)))

🎤5 months ago

I am literally the exact same right now. Graduation was Saturday and I am so happy for it to just be over. I just want to graduate already, but at least there’s only one year left. Hope you have a relaxing and fun summer rotting in bed!

4 months ago

I’m so glad too haha! I hope you enjoy your summer! Best of luck to you next year!!!!


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