4 months ago

junior year classes

do you think these classes will be enough for junior year honors English 3, honors Latin 3, AP Environmental Science, United States History, Precalculus

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4 months ago

Honestly, I wouldn't really care much. I personally didn't take the APUSH class, but I self-studied for the exam this year. It is very much possible for you to study for the exam while not taking the class if that's what you're looking for (if your issue is that they are both held at the same time or difficult coursework/homework). If it's due to cost, then I think if your family demonstrates the need financially, I do not think that would look bad either. If it's simply due to personal reasons, and you're not pursuing a humanities major/pre-law, I think this should be fine since you're just simply saying you're uninterested in pursuing higher education in that field. If you are majoring in that field and do not satisfy any of the above conditions, I would personally recommend it, but ultimately the decision is up to you. If you think you're going to get anything under a B in APUSH, then don't take that either.

Hope this helps,

SilverDragon (11th/rising 12th, Class of 2025, from Japan, AP veteran).


🎤4 months ago

do you think these classes will be enough for junior year honors English 3, honors Latin 3, AP Environmental Science, United States History, Precalculus.


4 months ago

I don't think it would necessarily look bad, but having APUSH would likely help to an extent.


4 months ago

I don't think it would look bad if you don't take APUSH! Many students can't (or simply don't want to) take the class, whether it's because of the testing cost, difficult coursework, etc. Colleges look for both honors and APs, so I'm sure whatever you end up doing will be fine!


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