4 months ago

Passion Project Ideas/activities for a (Aspiring) Political Science Major

Hi everyone,

As you saw in the title I am looking to go into political science/law. I currently work at a law office and participate in related school activities like mock trial and model UN. I feel like I'm still missing a piece of something that I should undertake to bolster my commitment towards this major more. Any thoughts.

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4 months ago

You could try joining your schools Student Government Association, and if your school doesn't have one currently building one would look amazing on applications in terms of initiative and showing passion. It could also make for a really good admissions essay.

🎤4 months ago

I appreciate you responding. I actually forgot to include that I am a member of student council at my school, so ill definitely look for ways to be more active in that. I really like your advice about attending a local council meeting as the community I live is closely knit and I already have met some of the fellow councilors.

4 months ago

Of coure, here to help. And im glad the advice helped, i hope i get where you plan to go!!


4 months ago

Hi there,

Actually you seem to be set. Maybe you can try to engage in some civic case through your work to interconnect more strongly?

Alternatively maybe you have an option to prepare a paper / presentation for school related to something close to your passion (research project on a political science topic that interests you maybe) or even get involved/start a civic project on your own. Other options might be the debate club or political engagement in your community.

It probably depends on the time you have available - I would not overdo it. You need to be able to have a live too ;)

🎤4 months ago

Thank you I appreciate the response, Ill definitely look into a research project and maybe sit in on a hearing that my law office does.


4 months ago

It depends what type of political science your interested in. I would assume based on you doing mock trials you enjoy the persuasive part of political sciences so i would offer the idea of attending city council meetings, I've went to one during middle school and it allowed me to learn more about how discissions are made and the way those kinds of councils are facilitated. It also led to me meeting the city council members including the mayor and you were able to meet and speak with yours it could look great on applications.


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