4 months ago

How to prep for SAT and not procrastinate 😭

I’m currently trying to take the August SAT but I do not know how to study for it. I’m aware of resources like Khan academy but I’m still not sure how to fit the videos to my fulfill the areas im lacking. For some background, I took the March SAT and scored an 1140. I knew I needed to study but procrastinated till 3 days before the test which I know now was a stupid idea. How can I ensure I get at least a 1450+ on my next SAT. Im trying to convince myself that if I don’t get a 1450, I’m going to shave my head but I know I won’t actually follow through. What motivating factor can I use

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4 months ago

Hi. 1580 scorer here. Frankly, it'll be challenging for you to get to a 1450+ in any short period of time. If you're currently scoring in the 1100 ~ 1300 range, I suggest you refer to your dSAT report, which will show you the areas in which you need improvement. You'll have to go to the collegeboard site and download the report.

i.e. For reading and writing, the different scoring sections are Information and Ideas, Craft and Structure, Expression of Ideas, and Standard English Conventions.

Once you've gained an evaluation of your skills through these details, you should use the corresponding Khan Academy resources and Bluebook Practice Tests/Resources to help improve areas in which you need to improve.

Also, my biggest advice for you would be to READ MORE BOOKS. Reading comprehension skills are your bread and butter when it comes to the RW section of the test. If you're struggling with RW, read more books(preferably classics and internationally recognized works of literary prowess, i.e. The Great Gatsby). I know reading books can be boring for some, but it is a necessary process if you aim to see any sort of major long-term improvement in your SAT score.

Same story for math, but it's way easier and simpler to improve your math score. Just practice, practice, practice. Once you have enough proficiency in all the basic concepts, all you need is practice and the ability to focus for several hours on solving problems, which will come naturally once you solve enough practice tests. While practicing, also remember to put some emphasis on time management, which can be one of the most challenging things about the SAT exam. To give you some time management-related advice, I suggest you spend no more than 90 seconds on each problem. If you don't have the answer to a problem in less than 1 minute 30 seconds, skip the question entirely and come back to it later if you have time. You cannot afford to spend too much time on any given problem, doing this will hurt your performance by preventing you from allotting time to other problems you could actually solve.

If you need any more tips or advice, don't hesitate to follow up with more questions. Good luck with your SATs.


Random Dude

🎤4 months ago

Thank you sooo much for the tips! I’ll make sure to implement them. Additionally, I was wondering how long it took you to study and if you would recommend me taking the October DSAT. I plan on applying Early Action to most colleges so it would be very risky but based on the information you provided, it appears that I would need more time to study. Once again, thank you for your feedback :)

4 months ago

I studied for about 1 to 2 months in advance. Do note that the period of preparation for many people is significantly longer than this. I was able to drastically shorten the amount of time invested in preparing only because I have been able to make reading a habit ever since my early years, which helped me improve and refine my reading/writing skills to a point where I didn't really need to do much studying for the SAT exams anymore. I just took some practice exams to practice time management and went in on test day, fully confident in my abilities.

Regarding the October DSAT, I say go for it! 4 months is more than enough time for you to improve, and based on your question I think your attitude is more than ready for some hefty practice(shaving heads and whatnot, haha. Seriously, don't. It's not worth it(trust me I tried)). If you're aiming for 1450 ~ 1500, with enough practice I'm pretty confident you'll be able to achieve that goal by October.

P.S. Let me know if you need help with studying for the SAT. I have additional resources you could find helpful that I could provide you with.

🎤3 months ago

Hi! I greatly apologize for the late reply. I've been swamped and completely forgot to reply to you. The resources would be greatly appreciated :)


4 months ago[edited]

ACT is also an option...I have kind of gotten stuck with the SAT (1390), so I have been advised to try the ACT. I recommend taking a practice test of each from the getgo and not waiting like I did :) Compare the scores and see which is better for you.

🎤3 months ago[edited]

Hi! I apologize for the late reply. I did think of taking the ACT but my science is my weakest area of study so I figured I would get a worse score if I took it. Knowing this, would you still advise me to take it?

3 months ago

I still advise taking a practice test and then comparing :) The tests are different enough. And you don't need to be a science geek. I have heard that most of science is interpreting graphs, etc, so basically reading comprehension (there are also science graph questions on the SAT in the English section).


3 months ago

hey im also taking the SAT but in october. i got a 980 on my pSAT but in my defense, i did it just to see what it was like and didn't prep for it at ALL. we both got this!

🎤3 months ago

Good luck! I hope you get a good score.


4 months ago

Hey!! I'm a rising senior, and I will also be taking the SAT in August! I think the biggest piece of advice I can give to stay motivated would be to STAY REALISTIC AND STUDY EFFECTIVELY. I would say looking at your test scores and finding what exact topics you struggled with, and studying them using Khan Academy (which really is a Godsend, but it sucks that it doesn't teach the Reading and Writing section), some type of workbook either from Amazon or a library, or the platform Schoolhouse! This way, you can study what you need to focus on, which will, in turn, most likely greatly reduce the pressure and overwhelming feeling of all the topics to study. I hope this helps!

4 months ago

Good luck with your SATs this August. I'm sure you'll do great. I'm pretty sure that Khan Academy does actually have a RW section(khanacademy.org/test-prep/sat-reading-and-writing) though.


4 months ago

Hey! Im in the same boat as you, I have a few word documents and websites good to study if you want to have a study group together for the SAT since I'm taking mine next June. We can keep each other procrastinating before the test, if not im fine with just sharing my resources.

4 months ago

Hey! I am taking the SAT in August and would be like to have/start a study group to help hold each other accountable :)

4 months ago

Alright great!

🎤3 months ago

Hello. I greatly apologize for the late reply. I would be interested in joining a study group.


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