a month ago

I need extracurricular advice please!

I'm an incoming junior, wondering how I can improve my application to get better chances to get into T20s, UCs, etc.

Intended major: Aerospace Engineering/Mechanical Engineering

with a 4.6 W/4.0 UW and taking 5 AP classes this year

I got a 1370 on the PSAT last year and aiming to get a 1500+ on the SAT in March.

ECs (w/brief descriptions):

- Co-founder of Asian Student Union: Hosted a district-wide AAPI event and brought local guest speakers

- FIRST Robotics (Competed at Worlds)

- Working on making a model rocket from scratch & PLANNING to post videos on YT about the progress

- Volunteer photographer for my city and volunteer at a local shelter

- STUCO (representative)

- Work at my family's local restaurant over the summer for 20 hrs/week

- XC/Track (JV) I'm not the best at it but I enjoy running

I want to show colleges my interest in engineering and photography through a spike. As for internships, I am planning to apply for the 2025 summer. I'm not sure if the model rocket project counts as a passion project, but I want to do a passion project that aligns with working with CAD (3d modeling) and space-related. I have an idea of 3d printing prosthetics, but I have no idea about the logistics and where to start. Another thought is incorporating photography + engineering but I'm struggling to connect the two for a passion project. Any other ideas will be very helpful! Thanks!

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a month ago

For a passion project for CADding, I've seen people start small businesses/non-profits selling creations! You could sell CAD's of the moon, planet, or some phenomena in the solar system on days people were born or important events to make it "space-related" (I know it probably isn't space related enough, but just an idea). Or, you could just take commissions! You could use the profits to fund your Robotics club, fund something else you find important, or just keep it for yourself. Just spitballing an idea here!


a month ago

FFA!! You learn a lot about working with a team, there are a bunch of options for competitions (you could maybe do welding) talk to an AG teacher for more information!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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