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7 months ago

Has your school ever made itI feel like they do not want you to succeed !

Hello so recently I got my schedule and let me just say that I’m on the verge of tears.

Back in Mai my school gave students a course selection sheet where you can choose your electives and see the other classe they will put you in. The moment I saw the classes they were going to put me in I emailed the principal to request for the more advance ones for algebra 2 and US history which are honors. After a couple of emails of the same request sent each week she finally responded back and told me that she approved of my request for those classes. Couple days later one of the school counselors sends an email saying the the adjusted my schedule to the classes that I requested and I just need to give back my old course selection and I did. TODAY I went to look at my full schedule and tell my why didn’t I see the « adjustment « they said they did.

Sometimes I feel like my school just wants me to fail and not succeed 😭😭. Like actually.

Does any of you guys experienced something like that where you’re school tells you they will fix your schedule to the one you requested that was approved by the principal and don’t.


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7 months ago

My school did the same thing to me, they put my AP and honors in the same term and were fixed on not letting me change my schedule. Go to the Principle and explain what’s happening and they might be understanding. If they do help ask them to change it while your there so theres no confusion. If they refuse to help you you can write an email to whoever’s in charge and get it fixed that way

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