29 days ago

Should I write my essay on how much I hate the school system?

I've written plenty of draft essays, and I feel like every time, I end up back on this topic. The competitive nature of the school system and its elitist structure are two things that have shaped everything about my life. From where I want to go to college to how I act around people and how I perceive myself, everything about my life has been reliant on "being the best," and it is because of the education system. I won't get too much into the details, but it is very personal and honestly a great essay topic because I've learned a lot from it all and it's something I've gone through that has changed the course of my life. My only concern is that if I criticize the American education system and the university system in my essay, it might not be taken too kindly by the actual universities. I know they love to hear stuff that people don't often tell them, and while I know mine isn't necessarily a unique experience, it is one that I'd say most refrain from writing about. I'm worried that by directly telling admissions officers how the institutions they support affected me, I will be sabotaging myself, especially if they don't agree with the essay. But it's the perfect topic to explain to them who I am as a person, what I've learned through the last few years, and what I stand for now. Is it worth the risk to directly stand up to universities in my essay?

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28 days ago

I think a bit of advice I can give is that it how you execute the essay. For instance, if you come off as ranting and only expand on the downsides of the college/school system, they may as well take it that you wouldn't like to attend one. But if you start by leading with the take on the downsides of the college system, then add an unconventional twist to your essay to tie in the fact that you're looking for a change, along with your ability to contribute to the college society, you might pique the interest of your college admissions advisors, who as you said are looking for something different. For instance, if you're looking to go into an education related field, you could talk about the impact you seek to make on the system as a whole, or even if you're doing something else you could probably tie in something related to your career that focuses on fighting rigid and elitist structures in society. I think you should just try to justify your frustrations without necessarily having to 'kiss up' to anyone in the admissions office. Please don't take this advice too much to heart as I'm yet to start college apps and I'm writing based purely on research and NO personal experience, but I hope that it helps a little. Good luck!

🎤28 days ago

Thanks for your advice!

27 days ago

This is definitely wise, in that tone is everything. Personally I wish I had the guts to write this kind of essay, and think I am subconsciously leaning in the same direction anyway. But, crucially, the way you deliver the message is of utmost importance. And if this is something that defines a good chunk of who you are today, then it's worth writing about. That's what the essay's about, isn't it?


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