a month ago


Should I attend college? I like to help people and I love kids. I haven't figured out a career that is suitable for me. Can anyone help me?

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a month ago

There are many great careers for those who love kids and helping people! I love kiddos myself...I seriously considered a career in teaching, but since then I have been led another direction. Here are some options for careers and college majors I found online:


Teacher: Educate and inspire children in various subjects.

Pediatric Nurse: Provide medical care to infants, children, and adolescents.

Child Psychologist: Help children with emotional, social, and mental health issues.

Social Worker: Support children and families in need through various services.

Speech Pathologist: Assist children with speech and communication disorders.

Occupational Therapist: Help children develop the skills needed for daily living and learning.

Childcare Provider: Offer care and educational activities for young children.

School Counselor: Guide students through academic, social, and personal challenges.

College Majors

Early Childhood Education: Focus on teaching young children from birth to age eight.

Elementary Education: Prepare to teach children in kindergarten through eighth grade.

Special Education: Learn to teach and support children with disabilities.

Child Development: Study the psychological and physical growth of children.

Social Work: Gain skills to support and advocate for children and families.

Nursing: Specialize in pediatric nursing to care for young patients.

Psychology: Focus on child psychology to understand and support children’s mental health.

Speech Pathology: Train to help children with speech and language issues

Of course, you don't have to go to colleges, especially if you feel called to be a parent someday and maybe teach your own kids (I am homeschooled and I 100% recommend it!)

Feel free to reply with any questions or thoughts. I would be happy to discuss ideas back and forth with you in this chat to help you out.

🎤a month ago

Thank you so much! i appreciate you helping me. I think your information can really help me in the future. Have a great day!

a month ago

Have a great day, too. Don't be afraid to reach out with any questions...I enjoy helping peers :)


a month ago

Some careers/Majors I would recommend:

Nurse Practitioner

Child Psychologist

Daycare Director

Speech-Language Pathologist

School counselor



Family Advocate

Community Development

Hope this helps!

🎤29 days ago

thank you!


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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