26 days ago

Does it ever feel like your school is piling work on top of you because they want to single you out?

I attend a joint school, it's basically a middle school, high school, and a college rolled into one. The good part is that when I graduate high school, I get my Associates degree. The bad part is that the course work is piled on top of you. Last year, I had four honors classes, combined with 2 electives, 1 regular class. I feel like my school is singling me out because I am the only kid in my school with 7 or 8 classes, while everyone else has 5 or 6 depending on their schedule. Now what's kicking me right now, is I have 2 AP classes, an Alg 2, Espanol II, Computer Science, AVID, weight lifting, and band class. Nobody in my school has this many classes except me, and I know this because I asked my principal and all my friends in every grade. No one has this many classes, so I feel singled out.

Let me know how u feel.

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24 days ago

I know what you mean. My schedule is often incorrect, half of the classes I signed up for this year aren’t on my schedule and instead I got classes I really don’t want. Here’s a few tips for dropping those extra classes:

-Depending on where you are, school likely hasn’t started yet. There’s a possibility that the guidance counselors are still adjusting the schedule, so maybe your class list isn’t finalized yet.

-There’s a pretty good chance your school doesn’t know how many classes you’re taking, since the guidance counselors have much to do when scheduling season comes around and often overlook some important factors without even knowing. Reach out and try to have your schedule changed, you might even have a priority request since you’re signed up for more classes than anyone else.

-To drop your extra classes, I’d recommend looking at your school’s website. There’s probably a schedule change request form and deadline somewhere on the website or in the office. If you can’t find anything, email a guidance counselor, or see them in-person when school starts and explain your concerns.

Hope this helps!! Good luck 😁

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