23 days ago

How do you create clubs in high school ?

My high-school only has four very small clubs and I was thinking about trying to create some new and more large ones like research or creative-writing or astronomy to group together people with same interests but I absolutely have no ideas on how to proceed.

We are in a boarding school with a very strict and full schedule and we don’t have much time for extracurriculars so I don’t think many students are interested in clubs even thought a lot of them joined clubs in middle school (the middle school and high school buildings are in different cities)

Do you have any tips on how to create clubs, what to during them and how to keep people interested ?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
23 days ago

1. Identify Your Club's Purpose

- Idea: Think about what your club will focus on (e.g., interests like art, sports, community service, debate).

- Goal: Decide what you want the club to accomplish. This could range from providing a social outlet to organizing events or projects.

2. Find Support

- Faculty Sponsor: You'll usually need a teacher or staff member to act as the club’s advisor. They can help with logistics, meeting space, and communication with school administration.

- Support from Students: Gauge interest among your classmates. You’ll need enough members to sustain the club.

3. Write a Proposal

- Mission Statement: Explain the club’s purpose, goals, and activities.

- Membership: Describe who can join any criteria for membership.

- Activities and Meetings: Plan what the club will do during meetings and any projects, events, or trips you might organize.

4. Submit Your Proposal to Administration

- Present your proposal to your school administration (usually the principal or student activities director).

- Follow any specific guidelines or forms your school requires for club creation.

5. Set Up the Club Structure

- Elect Officers: Determine club roles (e.g., president, vice president, secretary, treasurer) and elect students to fill them.

- Set a Schedule: Decide on regular meeting times and locations.

6. Promote the Club

- Recruit Members: Use flyers, announcements, social media, or word of mouth to attract students to join.

- Hold an Interest Meeting: Organize an initial meeting to explain the club’s purpose and get people involved.

7. Plan and Execute Activities

- Start holding regular meetings, planning events, and carrying out your club’s mission.

23 days ago

What I would do is create a club that many people are interested in, (you can ask around school) and also give them something to look forward to every meeting.

If you want to create a club, I would go to a faculty member and ask them about it.

Hope this helps!!!

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