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7 months ago

extracurriculars/internships as a homeschooler

hi everyone!

my situation is a little complicated. i go to a private school that focuses more on religious education. we have literally only three high school classes (american literature, algebra 2, and social civics) because we do more for our religious studies. outside of that we're expected to do electives to receive enough credits to graduate. i don't have opportunities in-school for extracurriculars (like clubs and teams). i've taken a couple AP courses last year and i'm planning on doing more this year, as well as take the SAT independently.

i'm looking for extracurriculars/internships that i can do outside of school and preferably virtual. i need something that's flexible and not too time consuming. since i'm at school for more than 10 hours i would highly prefer a virtual opportunity or something not too long on the weekends.

any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you so much!!

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7 months ago[edited]

Hi there,

Great question, I also go to a private rigorous academy and live on campus (Phillips Academy in Andover, MA) thanks too my parents making too much money as doctors and I am at school for about 10 hours much like you so I understand. Below I have some ideas for you they are all things I do currently on top of my 10 academic day, they may seem a lot but I made them work. So in that case, I think I have a solution for you! Start by looking into PLATO courses if you are looking for class credits. There are thousands of different courses to choose from so here is where you become more well-rounded if you felt you needed to be. They are completely online/virtual and they are SELF-PACED courses, that can be done outside of school hours and they count as class credits. This would allow it to not be too time consuming for you in the weekends or whenever you want to do them.

Here are other virtual extracurricular activities I currently are a part of on top of school, and I promise all of the options work for a student that is at school for 10 hours, because I do it.

- Duolingo (this is an app you can download- I have mastered language studies in both German and Chinese)

- Online book club ( I have done weekly meetings through Skype on books we choose as a group every three weeks)

- Freelance Writing 💰for newspapers ( fully virtual, my parents practically make me do this, but it’s actually pretty cool because you get paid good money if you do a good job)

- Coding Club ( I participate in a coding club, where I write code for a laptop we are building while working on a team we meet through Skype, there is nothing in-person about it we talk meet online share work online and mail items back and forth I also get paid for doing this by my teachers and parents, maybe ask your parents if they would pay you for your hard work if you were to take on something challenging like coding)

- Virtual Martial Arts ( I am in a one a week martial arts class on Zoom where you learn martial arts and you join the online group and practice together, my private school has a martial arts and boxing gymnasium so that’s were I go to practice during meetings)

- Yoga ( this is very relaxing for me to look forward too, I do this 2x a week, I am part of a yoga group on zoom. There is a leader of the group and we follow the moves and there is calming music. I have a single at private school so it’s nice to do yoga because it’s just me and it’s really quiet)

- ESPORTS ( these are virtual video game groups where you compete and win money if you get in first second or third place)

P.S. Also just wanted to mention too you that even though you are taking AP classes, they may not count as credits at some colleges, they may only help in class placement levels not necessarily as college credits, that what I’ve run into anyways.

Hope this helps, good luck Fatima!!

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