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7 months ago


Hi! I just started my junior year in highschool and I feel like I am really lacking in the extracurricular department. I feel like I don't have any really powerful positions or important ones. I was wondering if anyone knew anywhere medical related I could start looking to get a position like that. Of course, I know it doesn't come immediately but I'd love to start working towards an important position that can eventually turn into something even bigger. Lmk!!

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7 months ago

Hi! I started my junior year in high school as well. While I am trying to go down the CS route, I can give some general advice.

1. I would use google maps to see the different urgent cares and small hospitals around you. call them and ask if they have any shadowing opportunities or doctors that would be willing to host you. during your conversation, present yourself and a unique skillset you might have. Emphasize that you want to learn and gain experience.

2. The Duke Rising Stars program is a great program for students who would like to go into medical fields. Apply to that!

3. Ask your parents or family friends if they have any connections to people in the medical field. Personal connections can be instrumental in getting shadowing opportunities, which could then turn into something more!

4. Finally, if your school has a talented and gifted program, ask the coordinator for help finding medical internships. These opportunities will almost always have you learn on the go and can be valuable experiences!

Good luck to you! I hope this helps!

🎤7 months ago

Thank you so much you don’t understand how much this helped!!


6 months ago


If you are looking for volunteering opportunities to upgrade your resume, Hilom Collective might be the right place for you. We are a new ORG focusing on mental health issues, offering peer-to-peer counseling and webinars. If you are interested, we have different positions available no matter your academic interests or passions! We are looking for support group facilitators, social media managers, graphic designers, staff writers, fundraising team members, and Discord/Reddit/Website moderators.

If you find yourself interested, DM us at @hilom.collective on Instagram or respond to this message.


6 months ago

Hi! While this is not necessarily medical related any type of volunteering will look good, and these don't depend on location. I'm part of two organizations that are entirely virtual.

1) Carbon Crew is a program focused on climate change and how we can help at an individual level. Depending on how much you do you get 10 - 40 volunteer hours.

2) Luv Michael is a program aimed to help autistic adults get hands on job experience and employable skills. They do this through their bakery which makes and sells granola. Again you get, I believe, 10 - 40 hours.


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