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7 months ago

SAT score

Hi! I am planning to take the SAT in october and Im doing decent in the math module but english is getting a little hard for me. I keep getting within the range of 590 to 650 on the english module even if I am getting above 700 for the math one in practice tests, can you guys please suggest a way of improving my score for english

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7 months ago

Hi there! I got a 730 on English when it was a paper test last October and a 710 on the March DSAT. Here are some suggestions.

READ. Read as many books as you can. I love fiction, especially historical fiction, and I have read so many books that my vocabulary and reading comprehension is higher. I also recognize grammar/punctuation mistakes in some books, lol!

Know grammar rules like the back of your hand. You can use online videos on Youtube or your old English textbooks.

Practice reading comprehension actively- it helps to interact with the passage. Highlight key ideas, make notes, and sometimes it helps to summarize or rewrite it in your own words.

Something I used before the March SAT was Strategic Test Prep's Youtube channel and their awesome pdf workbooks. $25 if they aren't offering it for free when you join the email list. The English workbook had some incredible time-saving tips! I literally ended the English early and had plenty of time to review each question, some more than once!! Some simple tricks make a big difference-like skipping to Question #15 (approx. where the easy grammar questions start) instead of scaring yourself with the tricky first 14 or so questions. I was breezing through confidently and warming up my brain while all the other students around me were sweating over the first few questions. They have set up the test to scare you like that. Start with #15 and then circle back.

That's just 1 example of the great tips in STP workbook. I really can't tell them all :) but I highly recommend purchasing the English one.

Hope that helps! lmk if you have any questions.

PS. Any tips for studying for the math? My highest thus far is 660. Aiming for 700+!

🎤7 months ago

thank you so much! I will for sure use these tips!!

And for math I think practicing as much as possible is good, and whenever you get questions wrong on the blue book practice tests, try doing those types of questions more and more and watch videos on youtube on how to use desmos for the questions that require because you just have to plug in the equations and get the answer. So i think youtube videos on how to use demos and practicing questions you got wrong would help you get above a 700

7 months ago



7 months ago

I would say to try and use the Khan Academy course or the official SAT book

🎤7 months ago

Yaaa Ill do that. Thank you so much!


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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