18 days ago


Helloooo! So am I the only one who's an international student and has absolutely no idea how to go on about these Honors and extracurriculars. My school didn't offer them so now I'm stuck with just good grades. HELP!

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16 days ago

Hi Wendy,

If your school doesn’t offer any competitions for awards/honors and does not have ECs, you can find some options online. If you write, look up international or national writing competitions. If you do well in math or science, look up competitions for those. Don’t panic if nothing works out. Just state the facts in the “additional information section” of the Common App. Admission officers understand that you must work with what you have.

As far as ECs, I agree with Ethan in saying that a passion project would be very effective. Even if you can’t participate in clubs, volunteering, student government, or sports, you can show that you are willing to seize any opportunity you do get.

Depending on what country you live in, you may be able to join online groups or participate in online/virtual volunteering.

Also, be sure to apply to a variety of schools, definitely some safety schools, so you have a chance of acceptance. Limiting yourself to competitive schools based on your stats is risky. Always have a backup!

Hope this helps and lmk if you have any more questions.


17 days ago[edited]

I might not be the best help, but I feel like you could look into internships as an extracurricular. It might take some research and a lot of discussion with people, but it would be a beneficial thing to have on your resume. If not an internship, you can look into service to your community as an extracurricular.

I know these are pretty random, but from what you've said about not having extracurriculars offered at your school and living in a slightly remote area, I think those could be something you could try out.

I apologize if this isn't any help.


18 days ago

1. Research Opportunities: Look into local clubs, organizations, and volunteer opportunities that align with your interests. Many schools have a variety of activities, and even if your school doesn’t, community options might be available.

2. Online Resources: Consider online platforms and virtual clubs or courses. There are many reputable organizations that offer enrichment opportunities virtually.

3. Connect with Advisors: Reach out to your school’s academic advisors or career counselors. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific situation and help you find ways to get involved.

4. Network with Peers: Join student groups or forums related to your interests. You can gain valuable insights and discover new opportunities by connecting with others who have similar goals.

5. Highlight Your Strengths: When applying for honors programs or extracurriculars, focus on your strengths and unique experiences. Good grades are impressive, but your unique background and perspective are valuable too.

18 days ago

Not helpful at all :( Working on a response @Wendyyyy!

🎤18 days ago[edited]

Thanks for replying but that doesn't much. My school doesn't offer any honor classes or extracurriculars. And I kinda live in a remote area so extracurricular clubs can be hard to find😭

17 days ago

Hello make sure you list in your application that your school does not offer honors/ap courses. Also you should do a passion project to make yourself stand out better.


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